Keeping A Resilient Back as We Age

Meeting Pavel for the first time about twenty years ago changed my life. It is a story that has been told in these pages before. I was impressed with this quiet gentleman who knew so much about training systems far from the American tradition. We discussed the eloquence of Russian sport science that produced performance […]

Okinawan Strength: Developing the “Iron Body”

The martial arts embody a particular set of strength principles. We have investigated some of these techniques in the lab and the training room. Here are some thoughts on Okinawan strength and developing an iron body.

Stuart McGill: My Journey to the Kettlebell

Kettlebell work is not for everyone during recovery from injury. However, when used appropriately it is a unique and irreplaceable training tool.

Empowering Self Advocacy: Taking Charge of Your Back Pain

There is no such thing as “non-specific back pain” or degenerative disc disease – there are only those individuals who have not had a thorough assessment.

The Short Stop Squat: A Drill to Set Up Big Pulls

Here is a drill I use that will help all lifters set-up their pulls despite their individual differences. We call it the short-stop squat and it will help enable bigger, safer pulls.