The Bottoms-Up Experiment

Want to forge an iron grip that lasts (which can be one of the quickest ways to improve your deadlift, pull-ups, and snatches)? Improve your press and squat groove? Challenge your midsection? Train pesky and often cranky shoulder stabilizers? Then bottoms-up work could be the movement prescription that your training program needs. The kettlebell is […]

Simple & Sinister in a Rehabilitation Setting

Anyone who has experienced a complete tendon rupture knows the recovery process is long. Simple & Sinister along with a focus on movement basics helped me rehabilitate faster than anyone expected.

Understanding Center of Mass in Kettlebell Training

Dumbbells center the weight with your hand, but a kettlebell’s center is six to eight inches from the handle and changes depending on the exercise. Understanding center of mass can be used to your advantage.

Getting a Bigger Press: 3 Big Tips and 10 Ideas

Many of you are worried about being able to press your snatch bell with confidence. There are many things you can do to fix your weakness, and some might even be fun.