The Kettlebell Forward Press for a Resilient Rotator Cuff

Fabio Zonin, StrongFirst Certified Master Instructor, and I independently discovered and practiced the same movement: a standing forward kettlebell press with a static hold. When I described it to Fabio and sent him a video, Fabio said, “Hey, I do that, too!” and subsequently Fabio invited me to discuss the new kettlebell exercise on an edition […]

20 Years and 20 Observations

In February of 2002 a group of 22 students assembled for the second ever kettlebell certification with Pavel. From water balloons, mattresses, and a very different teaching progression, it was life-changing to say the least. Out of the first group came many of the original senior instructors and the organic development of the School of […]

Minimalist Breathing to Maximize Protection

I am a sports medicine physician from Kaunas, Lithuania. My passion is human movement and helping people move safely and properly. In addition to corrective exercises I use manipulative therapy (a method of treatment for restrictions in soft tissues and joints) by means of mobilization and manipulation as well as systemic dry needling (where acupuncture […]

Bitter Pills and Being Sedentary

Even if you enjoy throwing iron around on a regular basis, or spend your days advising others on health and wellbeing, the reality of modern living means even the best of us can feel the effects of inactivity. It might be time to hold a mirror up to ourselves and see whether we are really […]

Strength Training and the Benefits of Perfusion

Many years ago, the president of USA Powerlifting asked me, "Did you ever notice that those who train with heavy weights have better looking skin and look more alive than those who just do cardio only?"

Three Pillars for Healthy Aging

In 1922, T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) wrote a memoir of his time in the desert entitled “The Seven Pillars of Wisdom.” In his reflection, he talked of his experience with the tempering of the soul. The word “tempering” is often associated with the process of making something stronger and more resilient. In this article, […]

Quarantine Fitness

I grew up hiking, skiing, mountain biking, and hunting in the mountains of southwestern Montana. Following college, I joined the military and served in the US Special Operations Command for sixteen years before transitioning to a corporate job in the private sector. When I was much younger and fitter, I experienced some of the most […]

Controlling Your Breath for Performance and Health

“It’s funny, but you never really think much about breathing. Until it’s all you ever think about.” – Author Tim Winton There is no doubt that you have heard of employing some type of breath control to improve your performance, your state of health, or to reduce stress. Moreover, it probably isn’t a stretch to […]

Research Breakdown: Why Does Exercise Make us Healthier?

Why does exercise make us healthier? One of the most important linkages may be due to improving our mitochondrial functioning. Healthier mitochondria may be the route to living better, healthier lives, while also being better in our sport or work. This article is the first in a series breaking down current research and how you […]

I Am a 12-Percenter — Are You?

At age 58, I have a 12.4% risk of dying before I turn 68. But I have one tool that can lower my mortality rate and manage all the risk factors that come with each additional decade of life.