How to Build a Skill: Using the Get-up to Develop the Press

It’s likely you’ve read dozens of articles on the get-up, how to do the get-up, and what effect you can create with it. That's all fine, but let me share the special reason that I do the get-up.

Strength in Numbers: A Case for Pushup Endurance Training

I have learned how to maintain absolute strength without having to pursue it on a regular basis. This could be a way to keep us healthy, strong, and continuing to make progress without the risk of downtime from injury.

The 2 Most Common Military Press Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

Here are the two most common mistakes I see in heavy military press attempts, and the three strategies you can use to improve your technique—and, therefore, your performance.

Upgrade Your Strength with the Soju and Tuba Press Program

You can try this step/wave hybrid cycle with almost any lift, but it will be most effective with the kettlebell military press since many people get stuck at a particular weight and are not sure how to progress from that point.

The 3 Best Lifts for Developing Overhead Strength and Why

Here's how to develop considerable overhead strength using three particular lifts. When used together, these three lifts allow you to put major weight overhead while building seriously healthy shoulders.

The 3 Cleans: The Relationship Between Form and Function

Let's talk about architecture as it relates to the kettlebell clean. Really? Yes, really. Architecture, form, and function are important. The type of kettlebell clean (form) sets the structure for the goal exercise (function).

Pushing for a Better Pull?

When we start viewing the press and the pull as more similar than different, this opens the door from a programming standpoint. What is the logic and science behind this? Read on.

The Triple Progression System Explained

The triple progression system can be used with grind lifts like the press or squat, as well as ballistic moves like swings and snatches. It is a time-tested method of building a solid base to gain basic strength and up your numbers.

The Many Valuable Reasons You Should Be Training the Push Press

The push press is often thought of as “that thing you do on the way to learning the jerk.” But there are some ninja secrets contained in the push press that make it superior to the jerk for my clients—and probably yours, too.

The 3 Key Distinctions of the Kettlebell Press

When I learned the nuances of this movement, I can’t tell you how much of a difference it made, not only in my pressing strength, but in my overall shoulder health.