Rediscovering Resilience: Unifying Literacy and Strength

“No man may indeed become wise before he has had his share of winters in this world’s kingdom.”—Author: Unknown (Date: Impossible to Determine). The moment I read that out of an incredibly old selection of British literature in graduate school, I knew it would hold weight when I occupied a position in which I could […]

Minimalist Breathing to Maximize Protection

I am a sports medicine physician from Kaunas, Lithuania. My passion is human movement and helping people move safely and properly. In addition to corrective exercises I use manipulative therapy (a method of treatment for restrictions in soft tissues and joints) by means of mobilization and manipulation as well as systemic dry needling (where acupuncture […]

Coming Back Strong After Surgery

“Strength is Tension—Tension is Strength.” I can still hear those words taught by StrongFirst Certified Master Instructor, Jason Marshall at the barbell course I attended a few years ago. Tension ties the body together to enable strong movement. Tension creates the structure that can hold and move heavy weight. Tension is the mind’s command to […]

How to Train Against a Virus

The following article does not contain medical advice. It presents long term training strategies for increasing general resistance in healthy people. The author would like to thank Kristann Heinz, MD and Paul White, MD for their valuable input. Take care of your family and your other responsibilities. Then train. The following strategies should improve your […]