A Long Way to Press: Work Capacity, Levers, and Tall People

For those of us in the business of getting people strong, we may need to reevaluate how we do that for each athlete. Let's look at the science of pressing for tall people.

What is “Work Capacity”? [Part I]

Fight the urge to say "work capacity" — or be ready to specify the dominant energy system or the power, tempo, and duration of the exercise.

Building the Master Quality of Strength With Kettlebells

Strength is the master quality. From strength all other fitness aspects are derived. Kettlebell strength is unique because kettlebell training builds usable strength.

What is “Work Capacity”? [Part II]

The original Russian term rabotosposobnost literally translates into “work ability.” A better translation would be “potential productivity.”

Strength Aerobics: A Powerful Alternative to HIIT

Hard-living types love killing themselves in the glycolytic pathway. But this is far from the only way to “condition."