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russian kettlebell challenge

  1. Kettlebell Pre-competition weekly armed forces kettlebell drill complex

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has used the Pre-competition weekly armed forces routine from the soldier be strong manual in the Russian kettlebell challenge, and if so what results did you see from it?
  2. Chrisdavisjr

    Kettlebell Hermann Görner's 'The Chain'

    I remember reading about German strongman Hermann Görner's Die Kette or The Chain in The Russian Kettlebell Challenge. It involves performing a snatch, press, clean and press all with the same arm on progressively heavier kettlebells. I saw this video today (some of you here are probably...
  3. MicahK

    Kettlebell The Russian Kettlebell Challenge video

    Hi guys, I've recently watched the Russian Kettlebell Challenge video and am curious as to why the movements looked so different back then. I mean, if you were to perform a kettlebell swing the way it's shown in the beginning of the video, half the population of the internet would rain down a...
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