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Barbell Fast Eccentrics For Hypertrophy and Maximum Strength

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Kenny Croxdale

Level 7 Valued Member
Short-term high- vs. low-velocity isokinetic lengthening training results in greater hypertrophy of the elbow flexors in young men

higher velocity (3.66 rad/s) isokinetic lengthening contractions are associated with greater muscular hypertrophy than slower (0.35 rad/s) velocity lengthening contractions.

We observed, despite a >10-fold lower mean torque-time integral (Fig. 6), a greater degree of hypertrophy (Fig. 3) with a training protocol that involved only high velocity lengthening contractions.

Fiber type-specific changes after eccentric training

Not every type of eccentric training causes preferential increases in type II muscle fiber area, and some types actually cause type I muscle fiber area to increase more!

#2. Preferential type I muscle fiber hypertrophy

…when slow eccentric phases are used during normal strength training, this causes increased type I muscle fiber size,

Slowing down an eccentric does not enhancement or recruitment so it is not "eccentric overload". It only increases time under tension.

Research shows the slow negatives do not elicit the most effective response.

Slow Eccentrics For Growth?

Slow eccentrics for growth? - Dan Ogborn

Dan Osborne found that with eccentrics/negatives are…

  1. “…greater following high rather than slow velocity eccentric actions (29).”
  2. “…as far as strength was concerned, fast eccentric actions were superior.
  3. "…growth of type IIa and IIx fibres was greater with fast eccentric actions."
Negatives: You’re Doing Them Wrong](Negatives: You're Doing Them Wrong | T Nation)

As per Chris Thibaudeau

  1. …“going slower will not improve the stimulatory affect of the eccentric. …it won’t recruit and stimulate more fast-twitch fibers.”
  2. "The Essential Points: Focus on heavy and controlled, not on moderate weights lowered slowly."
Defining Fast Eccentric Time

A Fast Eccentric is defined as lowering the bar in approximately one (1) second. This innervates the Fast Twitch Muscle Fiber (“Super” Fast Type IIb/x and Fast Type IIa).

A greater muscle mass as well as maximum strength is achieved by training the Fast Twitch Muscle Fiber compared to the Slow Twitch Muscle Fiber.

Oxymoron: Eccentric Contraction

This term is used by everyone, including researchers, which makes no sense.

Eccentric Definition: This is defined as a lengthening of the muscles in a movement; lowering the weight.

Concentric Definition: This is defined as a shortening of the muscles in a movement; the upward movement.

That makes Eccentric Contraction an oxymoron. The muscles in a movement cannot lengthen and shorten at the same time.
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