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Always Be Smashing

01/15 06:00

60min treadmill walk / run 4.4m

01/15 13:30

Static stretching sequence x1

01/15 21:00

20min speed interval 2 level 7 (7.2 max)
- A preset program on my treadmill, mostly 1 min run 1min walk
- Felt like I was running tentatively, protecting the hamstring. Need to keep it slow for a while.
KB snatch 16x4 32 EMOM
TGU 5x1 x side 40
01/16 06:00

5min samurai getups
Static stretching sequence x3

Feeling very run down this morning. Sleep hasn't been sufficient over the last couple weeks, need to find a way to do better on that.

Volleyball tonight.
Lack. Busy time with kids activities, not getting down to the gym until after 21:00 usually, not in bed until 23:30 far too often... then up before 06:00 for the morning session. I sleep like a stone typically, but 6.5 hours just ain't enough...

I'm feeling that. Am lucky to get anything over 6, and that's been standard for years.
01/17 06:00

5min samurai getups

01/17 13:00

Static stretching sequence x1

01/17 21:00

GSQT 3x5 40,48,28 with curl
Halo 3x5 16,20,20
Bridge 3x5, elevated feet on 3rd set
DL 2x3 365#
Pullups 8,7,6,5,4,4
Assisted pistols 3x3 24
BB side press 4x3 80#
Circuit x3
- Flat straight leg raise x10
- Cannonball hang 9s
- Wall handstand 25s

Good session tonight - surprisingly so given my energy levels during the day (fell asleep at my desk at one point :p)

First set of DL was awesome. I got some arch in my upper spine that I've never gotten before, felt like I had steel girders in my back. Second set, fatigue set in, couldn't get that feeling again.

Pistols feeling good too. Certainly don't need any more weight, but felt like I'm using less assistance.

This marks the end of this training block, save a little conditioning tomorrow. For the next block, planning to stick with DL and pistols, but put in an ROP-style pullup press ladder circuit, waving the volume rather than the weight. A lot of pullup programs prescribe a lot more volume than I can get with higher-rep schemes due to fatigue, hopefully can build some with ladders.
01/18 06:00

60min treadmill walk / run 4.4m

01/18 14:00

Static stretching sequence x1

Did some playing around with front splits, and noticed that the same blockage at the hips that I feel in the forward fold is forcing my hips to rotate open when I try to get deeper - I get stopped much higher when I keep them square. Gotta get past the forward fold to get to a good split.

Makes me wonder how much that is affecting my karate as well - limiting kick height or forcing my hips into a bad position.

Took the night off for margaritas and tacos.
01/19 10:00

No karate today due to basketball games, so SE was the order of the day.

GSQT 3x5 40,48,28 with curl
Halo 3x5 16,20,20
Bridge 3x5, elevated feet on 3rd set
Circuit x3
- KB snatch 2x20 24
- Pushups x20
- Flat bent leg raise x20
- BW squat x20
- TRX rows x20
- Prone back extensions x20
- Wall handstand 30s

01/19 21:30

Static stretching sequence x3
01/20 12:30

1100yd swim
42min treadmill walk / run 3.2m

I noted some hip flexor soreness last Monday - after today, I suspect it might be from pushing walking pace in the Sunday endurance session. Today I couldn't jog for too long before my heart rate came up, but walking at a pretty good clip (i.e. not at all a comfortable pace) kept me in the right spot - I suspect that I saw some soreness from doing the same last week.

Afterwards, I did a short round of pullups and fingertip pushups. I haven't done many fingertip pushups in a while because of some elbow pain, but they felt good today - would like to get into working in a little more of those. Maybe as part of the core/grip work at the end of the strength sessions.
01/21 06:00

5min samurai getups

01/21 13:00

Static stretching sequence x1

01/21 17:30

GSQT 3x5 40,48,28 with curl
Halo 3x5 16,20,20
Bridge 3x5, elevated feet on 3rd set
DL 2x5 315#
Circuit L4 x3, L3 x2
- KB press 28
- Pullups
Assisted pistols 3x5
Circuit x3
- Flat straight leg raise x10
- Calf raise x10
- Cannonball hang L-sit 8s
- Fingertip pushups x5
- Wall handstand 25s

315# was a big deal for DL a year ago, feels good to be doing it on light day.

Might be a bit too much press/pullup volume for light day, will see if I have any lingering soreness on Thursday.
01/22 06:00

60min treadmill walk / run 4.4m

01/22 14:00

Static stretching sequence x1

01/22 22:00

20min speed interval 2 level 8 (max 8.4)
KB snatch 24x4 32 EMOM
- long break after repeat 7 to pick a new show to watch
TGU 5x1 x side 40,40,40,48,48

Running was tough, feels like I'm still trying to protect the hamstring. Had planned to stick with the 40 for TGUs, but they just felt too good, had to spend some time with the beast.
01/23 06:00

5min samurai getups
Static stretching sequence x3

Have to constantly remind myself that flexibility work doesn't have to be a PR every time. If you find the ROM limit for the day and sit in it, you're accomplishing something, even if it's a little less ROM than it was yesterday.

Volleyball tonight.
Have to constantly remind myself that flexibility work doesn't have to be a PR every time. If you find the ROM limit for the day and sit in it, you're accomplishing something, even if it's a little less ROM than it was yesterday.
I have this same problem as well! always think I should make daily progress.
thanks for the reminder
01/24 06:00

5min samurai getups

01/24 15:00

Static stretching sequence x1

01/24 21:15

GSQT 3x5 40,48,28 with curl
Halo 3x5 16,20,20
Bridge 3x5, elevated feet on 3rd set
DL 2x5 315#
Circuit L4x3, L3x2
- KB press 28
- Pullups
Assisted pistols 3x5
Circuit x3
- Flat straight leg raise x10
- Calf raise x10
- Cannonball hang L-sit 8s
- Fingertip pushups x5
- Wall handstand 30s

No soreness in lats or elbows, maybe press volume is ok after all. I get a few crackles and twinges in the elbows as I get fatigued, seems like I have some kind of weakness in the forearm that is exposed by the KB press and not the BB press. Something to work on.

But... these sessions are getting too long, 1.5h tonight. Time breakdown in minutes :
- warmup 10
- DL 15
- press/pullups 40
- pistols 15
- core & grip 10

The majority of the time is going to the important stuff... but dangit, I need more sleep.
01/25 06:00

60min treadmill walk / run 4.4m

No other training on Friday, afternoon and evening were booked up with family stuff.

Saturday was similar packed, and I almost called it a no-training day. But then I heard the call of the beast. ..

01/26 21:00

5min jump rope
Heavy bag 1min on 2min off x6
Burpees 25x3 EMOM
TGU 5x1 x side 40,48,40,48,40
01/27 16:00

68min treadmill walk / run 5.0m

01/27 21:00

Static stretching sequence x3

During stretching time, I got a little philosophical about my many goals. In summary, I want to be:
- strong
- endurant
- fast
- flexible

Strong comes first. Strong has always been part of my life, and the pride I take in that is part of my character. None of the others mattered to me in my youth; I would eat two Burger King Whoppers per meal very frequently, and as long as I could squat 600+ pounds, who cared about anything else? Can't get away with that these days, of course.

Endurant is next. I decided I wanted to be endurant when I found out I was going to be a father, 12 years ago. Has always been second tier priority, and I'm certainly not so endurant compared to folks around this forum, but I'm better than average... and it makes a real difference in how I live. I can cook everybody breakfast, make the kids lunch, work, coach the kids' sports teams, get my chores done, get my training in, and make cocktails when it's all done. Strong + endurant = usefull.

So... that leaves fast and flexible. I've never been either of those.

Fast, in my mind, is all about pride. I don't have any need to be fast in my life necessarily, that's just about wanting to compete against others. Speed kills in just about any sport.

Flexible. .. I always imagine flexible folks just live "easier", in a sense. Wake up ready to go, no creaking. No limitations turning to look at or reach for something, or leaning over to pick something up. Just generally feeling good. Not that I generally feel bad... just think I could feel better. But, having never really been flexible, maybe I'm dreaming.

Will keep dreaming...
01/28 06:00

5min samurai getups

01/28 21:15

GSQT 40,48,28 with curl
- These were all rough today, some soreness in groin
Halo 3x5 16,20,20
Bridge 3x5, elevated feet on 3rd set
DL 2x5 335#
Circuit L4x4, L3
- KB press 28
- Pullups
Assisted pistols 3x5 15#
Circuit x3
- Flat straight leg raise x10
- Calf raise x10
- Cannonball hang L-sit 8s
- Fingertip pushps x5
- Wall handstand 25s
01/29 06:00

60min treadmill walk / run 4.5m

01/29 13:00

Static stretching sequence x1

01/29 21:15

10min speed interval 2 level 8
- Had to cut it off early because the wife wanted the treadmill. Ce la vie.
KB snatch 26x4 32 EMOM
TGU 5x1 x side 40,48,40,48,40

Hit a milestone here: 100+ snatches with the 32. (y)Definitely getting more efficient with the movement, a set of 4 takes 12s right now. From here, figure I'll start working in some sets of 5, try to get to 120+ reps without increasing the time.

Of course, success is not without hardships. Wrist nearly failed on the way down during the 2nd TGU with the beast on the left. Held it together, but just barely.
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