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Always Be Smashing

How are you feeling with your new jell-o regimen?

You know, the problem with any sort of preventative measures like this is that there's no way to prove that they work. Like, how would you know if you're bulletproof until you get shot?

But if nothing else, having a little snack of jell-o before workouts is an extra 1 minute of joy every day, so that's worth it. ?
9/11 07:00

40min treadmill run/walk 3.1m

9/11 17:00

Cossack shoulder dislocates 2x6
Dragon squats 2x4 16
KB1HS 10x10 40
TGU 10x1 40
DL 5x1 330#
BP 3x5 185#
LTK 4x6
Joint plyo series

Really good day with the KB, felt light, ready to work the beast back in soon. On the other hand, bench press felt weird - no pain, but an odd strained feeling. Like the primary movers are good, but some support muscles are being strained. Keep an eye on it, be smart.
If our ancestors were trying to escape a predator and get to safety, they probably did not run for 60 minutes or more, They either quickly got to safety or they were eaten. So short runs are valuable.
Quite true. The long runs were probably more the realm of the hunter/gatherer. Sometimes the pickings around the camp just weren't so good, so you had to cover some ground to find the good stuff. Hopefully when you got back to camp you could rest for a while, instead of immediately having to fight off a bear or whatever...

Running away from a beast would likely be a short affair.

But longer term running in hunting can be effective. Humans, as a species, has a remarkable capacity to cool down; to sweat a lot. Most animals don't. One can hunt an antelope, for example, by just going after it slowly, letting it get away again and again, until it collapses from exhaustion and overheating. It's easier in groups.
A lot of time this weekend was spent sitting watching softball. Felt it this morning, particularly in the form of tightness in the lower back and hips. I always make a point to run through the Flexible Steel joint mobility complex any time I'm watching softball... but 15 minutes of work doesn't make up for 3 hours of sitting.

9/14 07:00

Shoulder sequence
Heavy bag + jump rope
Suitcase carries x12 48

A little elbow soreness afterwards, maybe from dips? Not sure.

9/14 21:15

Cossack shoulder dislocates 2x6
Dragon squats 2x4 16
KB1HS 10x10 32
TGU + press 10x1 28
SQT 3x5 240#
Pullups 3x3 25#
Grip work
Hang board

Continuing to feel some weakness in the inner thigh on the squats, which says I have to keep the weight down for a while.

Not the most encouraging training day I've had... but not the worst.
9/15 07:00

40min treadmill run/walk 3.0m
Tac frog + pumps

Felt like I got really deep into the frog today (for me). And yesterday, I reported some weakness in the bottom of the squat. Coincidence? Or, am I feeling some increased ROM at the bottom of the squat? Given the choice between 40# more squat and more hip mobility, I'd take the mobility - figure that would help more with vaulting over obstacles and kicking fools upside the head, assuming I'm able to get back to those pursuits someday.

But, who knows, maybe it's just coincidence.

9/15 21:00

Cossack shoulder dislocates 2x6
Dragon squats 2x4 16
KB1HS 10x10 32
TGU 10x1 32
DL 5x1 345#
BP 3x3 205#
LTK 4x7
Joint plyo series
9/16 07:00

40min treadmill run/walk 3.0m
Foam rolling, bretzels + forward fold

Volleyball in the evening. Played a weak team, so we won all 4 easily (league just switched from 3-game series to 4-game).

Late night (volleyball starts at 9 PM some weeks). When I woke up in the morning, I had more random aches and pains than I could point to - a grumpy elbow, one sore shoulder, stiff lower back and hips, creaky ankles, a sore big toe... the wisdom of age said that no one should be training with all that going on. Oof course, the testosterone screamed "but you're leaving them gainz on the table!!" But I elected to go back to sleep and skip morning training anyway.

Felt normal as the day went on, so evening training was on.

9/17 16:45

Cossack shoulder dislocates 2x6
Dragon squats 2x4 16
KB1HS 10x10 32
TGU + press 10x1 28
SQT 3x5 240#
Pullups 3x3 25#
Grip work
Hang board

Took a picture of my squat- I'm getting just barely below parallel. I do think the weakness I'm feeling is an artifact of getting lower, I don't feel it if I cut the depth off earlier.
Hey, @WhatWouldHulkDo, how is the jello regimen going?

Do you mean since you asked a week ago? ? Or are you teasing me since, based on how I felt Thursday morning, it's clearly not working? ?

It would be cool if I could figure out some objective measure of tendon strength that I could track... but I can't figure a way to do that without risking destroying myself...

I will say, I've been making some reasonable progress on the hand board. So, what the heck, let's say it must be the jell-o.
Given the choice between 40# more squat and more hip mobility, I'd take the mobility - figure that would help more with vaulting over obstacles and kicking fools upside the head, assuming I'm able to get back to those pursuits someday.

Charles Dickens never lifted weights but he would approve of your approach. He explained that his novel Hard Times was “against those who see figures and averages, and nothing else.” Figures like one’s max squat weight don’t take into account hip mobility and other such useful attributes.
I was just wondering if you noticed any bodily improvement.......but Thursday may have answered sense trying to destroy yourself, it sounds like volleyball will do that for you....:eek:?

Do you mean since you asked a week ago? ? Or are you teasing me since, based on how I felt Thursday morning, it's clearly not working? ?

It would be cool if I could figure out some objective measure of tendon strength that I could track... but I can't figure a way to do that without risking destroying myself...

I will say, I've been making some reasonable progress on the hand board. So, what the heck, let's say it must be the jell-o.
No training over the weekend, just house projects.

9/21 06:45

Shoulder sequence
Heavy bag + jump rope
Suitcase carries x12 48

Realized today that TSC sign up is open. Not 100% sure I'm gonna do it... virtual events just aren't sounding all that appealing at the moment... but who knows. If nothing else, seemed like a good reason to break out the snatches for a while.

9/21 21:00

Cossack shoulder dislocates 2x6
Dragon squats 2x4 16
- did a few with the bell overhead, ok on the left but lost balance on the right
KB snatch 22x5 32
TGU 4x1 28,32
SQT 3x5 230#
Pullups 3x4
Grip work
Hang board

Snatches much tougher on the shoulders and pulling muscles, pullups and hang board were tough today.
KB snatch 22x5 32

Snatches much tougher on the shoulders and pulling muscles, pullups and hang board were tough today.

Good stuff.
Fir me, there's always straight dependance on "how much hips" I use. The more hips, the less strain at the upper part. If the day after snatches I wake up with stiff traps and upper back, I know I have sinned - lots of high pulls are taxing. Shoulders dislocates, which you do, helps.
Good observations, @Alexander Halford .

For me, the problem indicator area always seems to be somewhere in the deltoids. My overhead mobility isn't great, I think that's part of it. I also noticed yesterday that it's harder for me to drop the bell straight down on the left than on the right - the left seems to pitch forward more. Some kind of asymmetry in my mobility.

It's such a technical lift.
My overhead mobility isn't great
That's my first problem also, which shoulders dislocate with broomstick, paused in the overhead lock position, seem to correct. Second thing - pause at the lock, before dropping the bell.

I also noticed yesterday that it's harder for me to drop the bell straight down on the left than on the right - the left seems to pitch forward more.
My second problem, my left side is less stronger. Again, pause at the top - takes you out of the groove, and lets prepare to tame the arc more efficiently. Knowing that my left side desires improvement, made me assign more attention to it, and made my left more technical (same happening with tgu). So, my right is doing instinctively ok, and my left - mindfully ok.
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