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I don’t remember if you wrote this in one of your other threads, but what’s going on with your knees? Something specific or they’re ”just” painful?

Also, keep up the great work.
My right meniscus is like a 30 piece jigsaw puzzle. Add 70 years of hard work and play to the mix. When the weights get heavy my meniscus can get inflamed and then it feels like a mouthful of teeth aches in my knee. 40 years being a structural Iron Worker, 15 years of football, and all the other crazy things I have done make for a degenerative meniscus. Arthritis too.
That sounds fun.
Anything you find that helps it? Glute strengthening or stretching?
Yes. Better mobility at the hips leads to improved loading of the knee; better strength at the hips leads to improved loading of the knee. Both of those mean meniscus will be able to absorb a more proportionally-appropriate amount of force in a more appropriate manner.

I’m not saying it’s magic, but it should be helpful; the range of benefit from implementing those is neutral to phenomenal for the knee itself.
Go to 8:25 of this video. This is how I keep my glutes very strong. You don't know my body and knee like I do.
Not arguing with that; you’re the captain of your ship and know it better than anyone else.

Disregard what I’m writing if it’s not valuable. Ask yourself, though, how has what you’ve been doing helped your knee pain? If it’s improving, great, if it’s not, consider adding in something that has virtually no drawback. My suggestion is some hip thrusts, suitcase carries or side planks, and glute stretches. Again, feel free to disregard or pick something else as a solution.

I’m not sure I understand how having Big Z deadlift on Fridays helps keep your glutes very strong. If it does, please tell me how so that I can outsource like that, too.
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