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Simple and beyond

Hard day in ROP. Did only the press part since I have some back pain and have slept badly.

C&P@24: (1,2,3)*3

On a scale to ten, where ten is the most hard and intense effort, this was probably 7.
but .... don't you miss S&S with its simplicity ?

Not really. I was swinging the 36 and it was a bit too heavy for me and really took a toll and was probably too much for my recovery. I also like a bit of variety. I really like ROP a lot more. You got snatch, press, clean, and you have different reps and ladders each day, and each week. You also got a variety day. Oh there is so much fun there.

That being said I have started very conservatively with the 20 kilo in the C&P and that was a great fun for me. The 24 will also probably be quite manageable. But when I hopefully start using the 28 kilo in a couple of months I might become more grumpy when I start to reach 75 reps pr. sessions. We will see. Right now I am having fun with short and easy training with the 24.
Medium day:

C&P: (1,2,3)*3

2h swing*28/ 6 minutes. 80 reps. 2 sets with 15 reps. 13 reps pr. minute.
hard day:

C&P: (1,2,3)*4
2h swing@28/ 3 minutes. 60 reps. Also tried active negative. 20 reps pr. minute.
Medium day: C&P@24: (1,2)*5

Goblet squat@24/3*6

Some pull-ups.

Skipped the swing part due to lower back pain, and gluteus pain. It seems I have forgotten to to the easy day. Well. I guess I will do that day in two or three days.
medium day conditioning: 2h swing@28/ 12 reps 9 sets. 108 reps. 13,5 reps pr minute. Quite easy. Focusing on technique. If I focus on feeling the stretch in my hamstrings I get more power, but I also become more tired. I guess it is still the right thing to do. I have found out you can do varying degrees of active negatives. I think I will dedicate myself to the 2h swing for a while. One or two months with the 28, and then move on to the 32 kilo. And then after a while to the 36 kilo. And then maybe flirt a bit with the 40 kilo.
Hard day: C&P@24/ (1,2,3)*5

Conditioning: 2h swing@28: 11 minutes. 110 swings. 10 reps pr. minute. Some sets were more than 10 reps, some less.

The conditioning was hard. I think it was due to the fact that 1) it is much harder once you start going over 10 reps. 2) I was already a bit tired after all the cleaning and pushing. 3) I sleep too little.

I guess I will give myself some days off before I start with next week´s easy day.
easy day: C&P@24 (4 week): (1,2)*5 (this was actually very easy)

Snatch@20 kilo: 10 minutes. 80 reps. My snatch technique is not up to par. Snatch is not easy.

I also did some goblet squat with the 24. And I did kettlebell pullovers with 12 kilo, and kettlebell armbar with 12 kilo. It feels very safe, and then I will start doing these exercises more heavy, maybe with a 16 kilo.

Will be interesting to see how 24 kilo will feel with pressing on the heavy and medium day. I am tempted to starting with the 28 kilo after I am done with the 24 kilo, and after I have taken one week off.
Middle day, week 4.
C&P@24/ (1,2,3) *5

2h swing@28/ 6 minutes. 80 reps

Remember to squeeze glutes om the top to protect the back
Hard day: C&P @24 (1,2,3,4) *5
IT was hard. On a scale to ten, maybe 8.

Will postpone the cardio.

Im kind of looking forward to using the 28 for press.
Hard day conditioning:

2 h swing. 32 kilo. 2 minutes:

Not sure how many reps or set. I pushed myself a bit, but focused mainly on staying tight and tensing my abs, my glutes and my quads. I was able to prevent myself from getting a sore back. I also did some TGU. I think TGU is like vegetables for the back.

In two or three days: I will be starting with the last week that I am using the 24 kilo. After that one week off, and then coming back to where I will be using the 28 kilo.
Easy day, 1 week with 24 kilo done.

Medium day, 1 week with 24 kilo not done. I tried doing 28 kilo instead. Went well. Also tried doing 24 kilo 1 h swing in a glycolic way. Did it in the evening, two hours prior to sleep and it did mess up my sleep.

Not sure if I should start with the 28 kilo in press or not. Entertaining wise 28 kilo would be better, but would it be better for longterm goals ?
I did the 1 week, hard day with 28 kilo.
Feeling a bit tired probably due to too much chocolate. I therefore did swings with 24 kilo, and did 3*5 with goblet squat. That too was 24 kilo.
I did the 2 week. 1 work out:

C&P@28: (1) *4
Snatches with 24 kilo. 4 minutes. Heavy but interesting.

Today I did alternative day:

Cleans one hand@28: 5 reps *4 sets
TGU@24: 1*5 pr hand.
I did the training for week 2, medium day.

1h swing@24: 10 reps * 6 det.

Feeling tired and not motivated.
Week 2, hard day. Done with the presses. 28 kilo.

1h swing with 28 kilo. I tried fewer reps in each set. 7 reps pr. set. 6 sets.

Feeling tired.
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