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Strong mobility

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Thursday 21 September
Morning mobility routine.
6:30 at the gym.
4th training session with my new teenage student. I am still impressed by the good form he has on the squat. Novice phase: we can still increase the weight every time.
I usually do not like to coach kids, because they often are deep into the "I don't feel tired, it is not working" mindset, but this one understood that not being exhausted at the gym is what makes him stronger, while still being able to play rugby.
I think his father also prepared him very well.

My session:
BB Squat: 85 x 3, 4, 105 x 1, 85 x 5, 6, 95 x 3
Friday 22nd September
Morning mobility routine.

At the gym:
BB Squat: 85 x 3, 4, 95 x 3, 5, 85 x 5, 95 x 3, 85 x 5, 95 x 3
Today's self-cue: "knees out". At 85, it feels so light that I have no form issue. At 95, it starts to be noticeable, and my right knee is not as stable as it should, it tends to go slightly inward. For all sets, I concentrated on pushing knees out, which actually results in a proper knee-foot-femur alignement.

Bench press: 55 x 4, 60 x 4, 65 x 3, 55 x 4, 60 x 3, 4, 5, 3, 65 x 3, 2

Today's self-cue: "chest up!". The SFL-style setup ensures a good position at the start, with a good arch. Keeping it for the entire set is the challenge. If I think of my chest meeting the bar in the middle of the way, and my glutes staying on the bench, the only way to do it is to keep a good arch. The bar can reach low on the chest, with vertical forearm, shoulders packed, and have an almost vertical path.

Back home:
KB press: 20 x 4, 24 x 3, 20 x 5, 24 x 4
I was a bit in a hurry, so I compressed the rest periods a little. Still focusing on quality reps (no hurry during the sets).
Today's self-cue: "plant the heel, pull your knee-cap up". It helps me to gain stability. I used to have a tendency of finishing a hard press by lifting the heel, which is the opposite of what we want. Not anymore.

Later in the day, I will do my Flexible steel program minimum session.
Saturday 23rd September
Morning mobility routine.
Coaching session at 8:00.
Nothing planned for me, I corrected a few things with my student, and so demonstrated presses with light weights.
I am not deadlifting a lot these days, so I pulled my student work set (100x5), no big deal. A good way to demonstrate what I meant by do 5 singles in a row, not a set of 5.

Back home,
KB 2H swings: 40kg x 10 x 10 EMOM
Felt good.
Today's self-cue : "hinge". Cues do not need to be complex. Actually, the simpler, the better.
Sunday 24th September
Morning mobility routine.
There was an event "The sportive town" in Bratislava. We spend the day seeing demos (we saw capoeira, aikido), and going to stands to check what sport could interest my still small kid (3 and a half).
Of course, I had my Flexible steel T-shirt on.
I had fun at the Tae kwon do stand. Even after 15 years with no real martial art practice, I still can kick and punch well. Maybe better actually, as I am stronger and more flexible than back then. I would probably need a lot of time sparring, though, not to get knocked out!
Still, the feeling was good.

Monday 25th September

Morning mobility routine done at the gym at 10:00. I was lazy this morning, but made it up later.
It is a light day in all meanings : low volume, low intensity. Nice.

Bench press: 55 x 5, 60 x 4, 70 x 1

Still the same self-cue : "Chest up". I added "Press your shoulder blades in the bench". Now I am working both sides of the thorax.

Squat: 85 x 3, 4, 95 x 3

Feels like a warmup (it is). This is what the program calls for, resist the tentation to do more.
Self-cue : "knees out". It was a lot better this time at 95. I need to keep working on it at heavier weights.

Back home, with MY kettlebells,
KB press: 20 x 3, 24 x 4, 3, 4
Self cue: "plant the heel, pull your knee-cap up", as before. I will tell myself until it becomes automatic.
On the way down: "One arm chin-up". Forces me to have a real active negative.

It's Monday, so I will do a Flexible steel programme minimum session with 16kg.

Flexible steel Poland released the pictures of the certification in Krakow. We can see me standing in front of everybody with Jon Engum explaining the first "trick" of the day on me. Always volunteer to be the guinea pig at a cert. You may end up learning something from the best teachers.
Pix by Flexible steel Polska
Tuesday 26th September
Lazy in the morning. I did not do my morning mobility routine. One day without doing it does not change anything physiologically, but the psychological effect (and probably the guilt) was there: I did not feel like I moved well. The power of the mind works in both directions.
I made it up in my late afternoon session with a shortened mobility routine (10 reps each joint instead of 40).

BB Squat: 85 x 6, 95 x 3, 105 x 1, 115 x 1, 95 x 4

Today, I had a single at the estimated 1TRM at 115kg. Went down nicely, below parallel, and up easily. I had reserve for more. I like this way of training when I can put a 1TRM without psyching. I can safely assume a 1TRM at 120 for the next cycle, starting in two weeks.

Yesterday, I received the confirmation from Jon Engum that I fulfilled the requirements for being a Flexible steel level 2 instructor. I am very happy with this. Now comes the time to do the work and help people to be not only strong, but also flexible and mobile!
Wednesday 27th September
Morning mobility routine. Not lazy today.

KB press: 20 x 4, 24 x 3, 28 x 1, 1, 24 x 3, 4, 5
28kg singles were a little harder than I expected. I filmed it and could see lot of leakages and things to work on...
At least, the remaining ladder with 24kg felt relatively easy. :)
Additional self-cue: "grip the floor"

Bench press: 55 x 4, 60 x 4, 65 x 3, 60 x 4, 65 x 2, 3
Still the same self-cue: "chest up, shoulders in the bench". Makes the arch better and the lift easier. I was a bit in a hurry, and compressing a little the rest periods was not a problem at this weight.

EDIT: And it's Wednesday, so of course, a quick session of Flexible steel minimum.
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Thursday 28th September
Morning mobility routine.

6:30 at the gym, with 2 students.
BB Squat: 95 x 3, 4, 5, 105 x 1, 95 x 4, 3
Self-cue : "knees out". Still need it at 95.
Friday 29th September

Abbreviated morning mobility routine (10 reps instead of 40). Feeling off today. Better little than nothing.
Bench press: 55 x 4, 60 x 3, 65 x 3, 70 x 1, 60 x 3, 65 x 2, 3, 2, 2
First two sets were a bit off. I forced my today's self cue on the remaining sets, and it helped a lot : "Shoulder blades together, in the bench"

Rack was not free, so I tried to start KB press with the KB at the gym. They feel very odd, especially the 24: I do not clean it properly, my wrist is wrong, the subsequent press is weak. I decided to finish back home with my own KB.
KB press: 20 x 5, 24 x 3, 3, 4

Rack finally freed.
85 x 5, 95 x 3, 85 x 4, 95 x 5, 85 x 5, 95 x 3
All weights I can handle easily, but if 85 felt very light, 95 felt only medium light. I still focus on my knees out.

Back home,
KB press : 24 x 5, 20 x 5, 24 x 4
KB shape makes a big difference...

Really, an off day, but I did not let it become a day off.
Probably only mobility work this weekend, though.
Weekend: rest.

Monday 2nd October

Bent arm bar, as a prep move. 16 kg x 3 x 3.

BB squat: 85 x 5, 95 x 5, 85 x 4
Both low volume and low intensity. My knees are better aligned at 95. The permanent self-cue "Knees out" is working. This is my last week of this cycle, I will write my next cycle for the squat with an increased 1TRM. So far, it is going well on this lift.

Bench press: 55 x 4, 60 x 4, 65 x 3, 70 x 1, test: 75 x 1 (easy), 80 x 1 (miss), 60 x 5, 3

As I had time, energy and my student JM is a (good) spotter, I decided to test a 1TRM. It makes little changes in intensity and volume, so it does not affect the overall program.
The good thing about coaching someone with StrongFirst principles is that they notice what is important.
70 was very easy. 75 was solid (room for more). 80 went down nicely (active negative), but I stalled about 10 cm above the start. JM observed (spotted) and told me that I touched a bit high on the chest. Good info for next time. I really need to focus on touching low on the chest when it starts to be heavy (for me). Now back to the normal program.

I did some singles at the deadlift to demonstrate a few points, but nothing heavy (80, 90kg).

Back home:
KB press: 20 x 5, 24 x 5

Later in the day: split switches (Flexible steel program minimum).
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Tuesday 3rd October
Morning mobility routine.

Coaching young student in the end of the afternoon. While waiting I did some mobility work: bent arm bar with 16kg, prying goblet squats qith 24kg, cossack squats unloaded, then 20 and 24kg.
By the end of the coaching session, I also did a few snatches 5+5 at 16, 20, 24 with plenty of rest between sets.
Nothing structured, unplanned and ligth.
Feels good.
Wednesday 4th October
Morning mobility routine.

After lunch,
Bench press: 60 x 4, 65 x 3, 70 x 2, 60 x 3
The program called for 2 singles at 70, but I went for a double. I had lifted more weights a few months ago, but I now have a much better technique now. Better arch, stable shoulders, vertical forearms (thus touching lower on the chest). I feel like it paid off to go lighter for some time but correct my technical flaws. Not good for the ego, but good for long term improvement.

As it was short and easy, I stayed to work on side split progression: cossack squats (unloaded, then KB 20kg), then seated stretch alternated with frog complex.
Thursday 5th October
Morning mobility routine.
Then gym at 6,30, coaching session with 2 students (father and son), and:
BB squat: 85 x 4, 6
Like a warm-up and done. Tomorrow is going to be heavier.

One student reached a 52,5kg press work set. He did 3 sets of 4 solid reps. I went to test the 52,5 for a single, just to see how it would feel. Went up solidly, but definitely did not feel light. :) I still have it. Anyway, I will stay focused on KB presses for a while.
Friday 6th October
Morning mobility routine, as usual.

I could not go to the gym early, so I did my KB presses at home, then the barbell stuff at the gym at the end of the afternoon.
KB press: 20 x 3, 24 x 3, 4, 3, 4
Easy, stable.

BB Squat: 85 x 5, 95 x 3, 115 x 1, 95 x 5
Still focusing on my knees. It feels a lot better. 95 was good and stable, knees staying aligned. 115 kg was smooth and easy, with reserve for much more. My next cycle is based on 1TRM of 120, that's a bit more than 170% of my current bodyweight. Progress are slow but steady.
I already squatted heavier for reps before, but:
- I am not sure about the depth I used to reach when heavy. I know I am way below parallel now.
- I was 10kg heavier !
So the technically good and easy single at 115kg to depth makes me much more happy than the tiring 125x5 I used to do.

Bench press: 60 x 4, 3, 4, 65 x 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 60 x 3, 4, 3
Lots of reps, but nothing heavy. Concentrating on my lats, touching low, pushing hard with my feet.

This is the last week of this cycle. Monday, I start a new one, for one month before switching full time for pistols, pullups, one-arm pushups. SFB is in two months.
Saturday: rest
Just mobility routine in the morning.
Sunday 8th October
Swings, 2H, 40kg, 10 EMOM for 10 min. 100 total.

I had not been swinging for almost a month (except the occasional 1H-swings with a 24 kg for 5 reps or so at the gym, while waiting for the squat rack).
I was breathing heavily at the end, my heart rate was probably high, but I could manage the whole 10 min with nose breathing, and still kept good explosiveness in all sets.
Happy with that.
I will soon (in a month or so) resume specific training for the snatch test. I still have time before re-certifying, but at my weight and strength level, the snatch test is a challenge. I am normally just above the new 68kg for a 20kg snatch test, so I have to plan and train the usual 24kg. Better build up sooner than later.
The first time around, I build the engine with a 32kg, I may be able to do it with 40 now. The light bell was 16kg, it may be 20 now. I will just keep the density at 24. I do not own a 28 (mine is built with a 24 and 2kg plates - not good for snatches), and I do not want to overdo it. Anyway, if I start soon enough, I will have time to adjust.
Monday 9th October
Start of a new cycle. I received my bench press plan just in time this morning. :)
Morning mobility routine, immediately followed by:
KB press: 20 x 5, 24 x 5
Despite being 15 min after waking up, it felt good and solid. 24 feels like 20 used to feel a few weeks ago.

Later, at the gym:
Bench press: 60 x 4, 65 x 3, 60 x 5, 65 x 4, 60 x 4, 65 x 3
Focus on lats, and touching low. Technique work, as it will be for most of the cycle.

Pullups : 4, 5, then a try with 16kg
(fail : about 10 cm under the bar).
My current max is probably only 12 kg. A bit disappointed. Too low to justify a complex approach. I will just GTG with bodyweight, and the occasional 8kg KB.

Back squat: 90 x 3, 4, 100 x 3
Low volume to start the first week of the new cycle. 90 is now the new low weight. I am now used to start without a long warmup. training like this has taught me to get tight immediately. 100 for a triple felt good. Good depth, knees out.

I then played with a 16kg KB. Some kind of volume snatch day: long sets, plenty of rest between. 15 min approximately total.
16 kg snatches: 20R, 20L, 20R, 20L, 15R, 15L
Just 110 total in 15 min. Never hard, focused on technique (imaginary wall, to keep it close to the body). Only nose breathing, during and between sets. It is not supposed to be a smoker, but a practice.
I will stay for a while with a weekly practice with long sets, long rest and a light KB. When I feel I can move up, I will start again with 20kg.
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Tuesday 10th October
Late morning mobility routine. After breakfast and shower. Lazy this morning, but better late than never. I added a pistol at the end to check how I am with those. Left good. Right not as stable (because of leaning back).

Late morning,
KB press: 24 x 3, 5, 28 x 1, 24 x 3, 4
24 very solid now. Lot of improvement. I am happy. I am always worried when going to the 28 that it won't go up easily, but it went up strongly. 32kg is not a dream anymore, but a medium term target.

Early evening (gym, 2 students),
Back squat: 90 x 5, 100 x 3, 110 x 1, 120 x 1, 100 x 5,3
Knees out. No issue. Up to 120 and it went well. On the set of 100x5 at the end, my students had arrived. One of them confirmed that I go super deep with a flat back. Satisfying: I am squatting less heavy than I used to, but I am 10kg lighter and go way deeper.
Wednesday 11th October
Morning mobility routine.
Then rest. No lifting planned.
Flexible steel program minimum in the afternoon. Switched splits and bent arm bar performed with a 16kg: it is mobility work, not strength.

During the day, I sometimes practice one arm one leg planks. The specific bodyweight training will start in one month, but I want to at least practice and feel the end positions (up and down) of the OAOLPU already.
I started to do planks on the top position. I felt strong enough on my left side, so I went for an active negative. I again felt strong at the bottom, so I tried to go up. It did. Wow. It was not easy, and I did not repeat the feat on the other side, but it is good for my confidence for the SFB in about two month. Let's not abuse it. Today is a rest day, after all. Time for coffee and chocolate. :)
Thursday 12th October
Morning mobility routine, and 6:30 at the gym (2 students). Had to put the alarm to wake up. I don't like it.

Back squat: 90 x 4, 100 x 3, 90 x 3, 100 x 4

Not so easy today. A bit of a off day.
I was tented to try a OAOL pushup, but refrained myself. Let's try to be smart, do the training as planned and not be greedy.
Tomorrow, there will be a lot of volume at the bench press...
Friday 13th October
Lazy this morning. I did the mobility routine at the gym, before training, after getting the kid at school.

Back squat: 90 x 3, 4, 5, 100 x 4, 90 x 5
Last set at 90 felt quite light. I still concentrate on my knees. I know that depth is not an issue. I seem to keep my head aligned (a former issue of mine) and lead with the hips, although a video could be useful. But I still have some instability in the knees that I need to correct. It is the most important point of attention at the moment in the squat.

Bench press: 60 x 5, 65 x 3, 3, 70 x 1, 75 x 1, 60 x 4, 5, 6, 5

Higher volume today. All went well. I still need to focus on touching low (chest up, shoulders in the bench, flex the lats!).
At the second set at 65, I realized that lifting the bar, and "pushing" it to the feet made it easier. It is just a mental game, to ensure a vertical bar path. It is written somewhere in PTTP Pro, but as usual, reading a cue and feeling it are two different things.
I will experiment a bit more.

Back home:
KB press: 24 x 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4
I am working on cleaning up my clean. I put the bell down between sides, instead of swinging/switching it, so that I can do cleans on both sides. Getting tight while cleaning is the best "easy" way to improve the press.
It works. First sets were not very clean, and the press was not easy. The clean then become cleaner and cleaner, and the last set of 4 was the most solid of all, despite fatigue.
Saturday 14th October
Morning mobility routine.

I am slowly rebuilding my snatch capacity. I still have time before re-certifying, but 24 still feels heavy after a few sets, so I'd better work on it, and maintain an acceptable level all year long, until going full gear a few weeks before the cert weekend.

I weight 71-72kg at the moment, with lot of heavy squatting and no particular attention to diet. I know that with some attention to the diet, and a kettlebell centered program, I can most likely attend under 68kg and snatch the 20kg.
But I don't want to set low goals, so I will stick to training for a 24kg snatch test.

I am following Brett Jones snatch protocole: 1 day of heavy swings, 1 day of snatch volume work with a light kettlebell, and one density day. It worked the first time. This time, I have less pressure and can concentrate on technical improvement.

KB Snatch: 24kg x 4+4, EMOM. Planned 16 min, did 10 min.

Instagram post by Jean-François Lopez • Oct 14, 2017 at 12:03pm UTC

I saw three simple steps to make the snatch more efficient (read less tiring):
1. My free arm is like a dead branch. I should free it on the way down (momentum), and go into guard position on the way up (ensuring tightness - the standing plank).

2. I should think more of going into the hinge, than propelling the bell up. Especially for a light weight like me with long arms, the power must come from the hips, not the arms. It also means that I need to improve the hike pass to get the first snatch as powerful as all the other ones.

3. Here, my left grip is weaker and I tend to catch the bell in my palm. Consequences: risk of hand tearing, lack of power in the hinge, more fatigue, grip tiring faster. Vicious circle. Let’s improve this with long sets with a lighter kettlebell.

Apart from the technical aspect, my hands are not conditioned yet for high volume snatches with a bell that is still relatively heavy for me. I will stay at 4+4 for a while to work on technique and prepare my hands.
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