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Time to leave the Paleo diet?

Not related to milk, but to Seal:

There's the original video, plus the one after it was used in a Batman movie.

Strictly speaking I don’t believe you can milk that particular seal
I thought paleo was anti dairy.

Or do pinnipeds get a pass?
i never understood the criteria for what ancient foods our ancestors ate counted as food they were supposed to eat. obvious high calorie foods that would’ve been staples aren’t paleo, but fatty meats that are super rare in the wild are. Then you have almond flour nut cakes and other foods that had to be made with whatever the Paleolithic version of the vitamix was.
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i never understood the criteria for what ancient foods our ancestors ate counted as food they were supposed to eat. obvious high calorie foods that would’ve been staples aren’t paleo, but fatty meats that are super rare in the wild are. Then you have almond flour nut cakes and other foods that had to be made with whatever the Paleolithic version of the vitamix was.

You can't understand it because...

It's a hustle.

And the zealots are the marks.
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