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Old Forum Training the one-half BW KB press: answers to any questions

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Begging your pardon, this is a bit like a prior question; the assistance exercises.  Should the Monday workout look like A or B?

A.  KB Press, Loaded Cln,  2H Swing,  KB Row, Wgt Ab, Tac PU,  KB Ext, KB side raise.

B.  KB Press, Loaded Cln,  Tac PU,  KB Ext,  KB side raise.

I've been doing "A".

Thanks for a great program!

Marc A.

the assistance work can actually be the same, or close to it,each workout. The assistance work is there to build up muscle mass in the most deficient areas relative to the classic exercise ( in this case, the press).
It can change often or very little, whatever you find works best. It shouldn't be cycled like the other exercises and should be thought of as "power bodybuilding"

this help?


good questions. since the goal is a 1/2 BW press on one side and on the speed work you are doing all the work on one side at a time, yes, use the appropriate load for each arm'

The idea of "power bodybuilding" helps.  I don't need to be "pedantic", as Pavel says.

BY the way, I mentioned your article during a training session with other SFG's, and the response was "EVERYBODY'S doing that!"

Many thanks,



lol, well that's good to hear. I would love to hear more feedback from SFG's as to how it's going and problems or other issues that need to be addressed though.

People need to remember that it's not so much about the personal records on the special exercises as it is how those exercises translate into PR's on the Mil Press itself
Hi Rif!

I'm on week 5 and really enjoying the program : )

Just wanted to clarify something from the Max Effort Day: Loaded clean OR Bottoms-up clean. Work up to 1-2 sets of 1-2 reps with goal weight or above.

Is this the correct set and rep scheme as it seems like a very small number of reps and sets?  I'm doing this part with a 40kg and was able to start with two sets of two reps.  I don't currently have a heavier bell (goal press is 36kg).  Can I do a few more sets of singles or doubles with the 40kg or should I just switch to trying to BUC the 32kg for the prescribed set/rep numbers?

Thanks again for this program!

The idea of those sets is to touch the weight above the one you just used in a max effort exercise press. To basically " get you ready" to press that weight as well . Get it in your hands and experience the levels of tension and  'linked up' ness you need to be strong under it.

I want just a few reps and sets after the max effort move; it's almost an extension of it.High intensity, low volume.

yes stay with the 40kg and do a few more single and or double and make them tougher some how; hold them a bit longer in the rack. apply more tension , etc. just make it a bit tougher as if you went heavier

Thanks for the advices Rif : )

I've kept at the 40kg loaded cleans and just added some sets or reps.  It certainly makes the 24kg feel like a toy afterwards.

I'll post my progress in the article comments.

Hi Mark,

I plan on starting this program on Monday and have a few questions.
 1) Following  the press on the speed day, it says Loaded Clean (one KB size up from the press) 5x5. Would that be one size up from the speed day press NOT your goal weight?  i.e 20kg speed press, so use a 24kg?

2) In addition, there are Loaded CL/BUP CL  prescribed after the press on the max effort day. So should the Loaded Cl after speed day always be the 5x5 and on the max effort day, be Loaded cL/BUP CL with your goal press weight for 1-2 sets?

3) You list the assistance exercises after the speed press day - Ld CL, PU, KB Ext and KB Side Raise. Then you list another four exercises after the max effort day - Ld CL/BUP CL, Sw, KB Row and Ab work.

Are ALL these exercises assistance exercises? And should ALL be done following each day? Or the first 4 on the speed day, second 4 on the max day? Or a mix of all of them dependant on what I need the most?

Thanks. Sam.

Yes to one size up from speed day but with as much total body tension for each rep as possible plus perhaps hold the rack position a bit longer

Yes also to the goal weight ( or above!) on the clean on max effort day.

Assistance work is just that, done to assist and build whatever weak points muscularly you have. They aren't meant to be cycled just done to increase muscle size. You can do 3 sets of all of them( and choose new ones as needed) or 5 sets of just 1-2.

They are not that heavy so it doesn't take that much out of you.

Also please know that this was / is NOT supposed to be JUST a 5-6 week one time cycle. The idea is not to get pr's on the assistance work but to find out which assistance movements TRANSFER to the classic press. Increasing THAT is the main goal.

This protocol was done for years when I used in WSB, just the exercise selections changed as necessary.


Hope this helps



Thank you for the clarification. Very clear to me now.

I appreciate your second point, that is definitely something I need to consider very carefully. My thought process is/was that dissecting my Military Press in the way your program does and focusing on the speed work as well, would give me valuable experience that I think I am lacking at the moment.

I have been using the RoP up until now, but moving forward it is not really sustainable for me at the moment unfortunately.  More pressing research needed.


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