From “Simple” to Serious Endurance

I will offer you a road map toward building serious endurance. It is based on the idea of improving your level of conditioning by using short but powerful bouts of work.

Bodyweight Exercise for Ultra-Marathon Running

After earning my SFB and applying its teachings, I am a believer. I have seen and felt the difference it makes in my ultra-marathon running performances.

Strength and Conditioning Program for BJJ Fighters

This program is a practical approach to strength training for someone interested in supplementing their BJJ game based on a formula I have applied to prepare myself and others for the toughest of martial arts competitions.

StrongFirst Roadwork

Run. Shadow box. At intervals you have set for yourself. Here and there do both pistols and push-ups. No rest at all and just a couple of reps. This is StrongFirst roadwork.

A Running Program for Strength Athletes

Here are two easy-to-follow programs—one for a 10km distance goal and one for a 10-mile distance—that will improve your aerobic ability drastically without compromising strength days.

Strength Aerobics: A Powerful Alternative to HIIT

Hard-living types love killing themselves in the glycolytic pathway. But this is far from the only way to “condition."

Tempo Runs + Kettlebells = Your Next “Recovery” Day

The kettlebell can work for just about every purpose. In the case of a recovery/low-intensity conditioning training session, use a combination of kettlebell work and tempo running.

Building the Master Quality of Strength With Kettlebells

Strength is the master quality. From strength all other fitness aspects are derived. Kettlebell strength is unique because kettlebell training builds usable strength.

Total Package Weekly Kettlebell Training Template

If strength and conditioning are equally important to you, the following weekly kettlebell training template will serve you well.

Back to Basic: How to Train Like Primitive Man

From the general health perspective, the best ways we can exercise can be learned from taking a look at the movement and exercise habits of primitive man.