How to Get Properly Loaded in the Deadlift and Swing

We “get loaded” through an eccentric movement. Since the deadlift begins with a concentric movement, our set-up is what provides us with the opportunity to create an eccentric load.

Quality a Mile Deep: A Strength Program Based on Skillful Practice

I have put together a strength program based on two of Pavel's principles. You will focus on building quality, then quantity. The result is building some solid strength a mile deep.

A Hip Hinge Program to Help You Generate Deadlift and Swing Power

The goal of this program is to re-tool and potentiate your hip hinge for safer, stronger reps. We are building up by doubling-down on trunk stability, training deadlift variations, and focusing on speed reps.

Quality AND Quantity

Quality and quantity are important together, in almost equal amounts, when it comes to forcing the body into the physiological and neurological adaptation necessary to achieve the goals you're after.

The Dangers of Circumducitur Cervicalis Syndrome and How to Prevent It

This not very well known condition is actually quite prevalent in our society today. People of all ages suffer from it without realizing, and once a person is afflicted with this condition, it is difficult to overcome.

Deadlift: To Stop or To Go

Every time I teach the deadlift, a particular question comes up: whether to perform “stop reps” or “touch and go” reps during sets. Let's discuss the differences between them and what we can learn from each.

Absolute Strength Is the True Master Quality

Relative strength is impressive, but it is absolute strength that has the effect of allowing all other attributes to become greater. So if you ask me for training advice, then I’ll probably ask you, “How much can you pull?”

Strength Training and the Benefits of Perfusion

Many years ago, the president of USA Powerlifting asked me, "Did you ever notice that those who train with heavy weights have better looking skin and look more alive than those who just do cardio only?"

How to Build the Hard Style Powerlifter

I’m not very interested, much less qualified, in taking an advanced lifter to the top of the powerlifting world. Rather, it seems most valuable to make real strength training accessible to the masses in a smart, safe way.

How to Prepare for, Pass, and Get the Most Out of the SFL

Like the SFG, one of the biggest challenges for SFL participants can be figuring out how to prepare. This article is meant to serve as a guide to help you develop a plan to be ready for and get the most out of your SFL experience.