Hang On! The Forgotten Anti-Gravity Exercise Everyone Should Start Doing

What if I told you about an extremely underutilized movement that could improve your overall mobility, strength, and posture? One thing that, once added to your training regimen (or life in general), could remedy aches and pains, accelerate your recovery, regain lost straight-arm range and strength, and provide a powerful full-body antidote to gravity. Curious […]

The 3 Key Distinctions of the Kettlebell Press

When I learned the nuances of this movement, I can’t tell you how much of a difference it made, not only in my pressing strength, but in my overall shoulder health.

A Critical Get-up Transition: From the Elbow to the Hand

Each position in the get-up should set you up for success in the next position. A great transition from the elbow to the hand sets up a safe and solid shoulder position for the low sweep or the high bridge.

The Turkish Get-Up—A Clinician’s Perspective

It is an ongoing joke that if you come to me with an orthopedic issue, I will tell you to do a Turkish get-up. But in seriousness, it is an excellent tool for diagnosing movement.