One Good Rep: How to Perform the Perfect Pushup

Done correctly, the push-up will give you great strength gains and can be done anywhere at any time. But first, we need to make sure you can do one great repetition.

Experience and Skill Will Always Trump Science

I know I am not a scientist, and, believe it or not, that gives me a great advantage over many when it comes to learning and perfecting a physical skill.

SFG Level I Certification: 3 + 6 = Excellence

The SFG Level I Certification digs deep into the six movements that test your skills, strengths, and weaknesses - and even your mental strength.

Things Are Going So Well, Help Me Screw It Up, Part II

We should use performance standards to dictate when new skills are introduced. Follow the path laid out by Pavel and other top instructors. Let’s take a look at how this works.

Build a Barbell Military Press on a Kettlebell Foundation

While the principles of the barbell military press remain the same as with the kettlebell, tactics change to accommodate a different implement.

Strength Is a Skill — Strength Is Liberating

If you practice badly, pain will find you. Not in pain yet? Keep doing what you’re doing badly. I did it all wrong for decades. But StrongFirst set me straight with one of their central tenets: strength is a skill.

3 Squat Tips: Understanding Squat Cues

The following is the visual, or intrinsic cuing, I use to help my students understand the confusing squat cues I personally wasn’t able to process early on.

How to Get the Most Out of Earning Your SFG

Here are five suggestions for continuing the momentum you built in the course of earning your SFG Level I Certification. Follow these and keep improving!

Improve Your Get-up and Improve Your One-hand Swing

After seeing the same mistakes with each client, I designed this session to help them gain a better understanding of the get-up. In the end, their one-hand swing improved, as well.

Use Kettlebell Complexes to Achieve Technical Perfection

A “complex” of kettlebell exercises strung together in an intelligent manner delivers muscle hypertrophy and fat loss. But there is another benefit—accelerated skill development