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Other/Mixed Grippers vs. rolling thunder for overall grip strength

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
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Level 5 Valued Member
For those of you who have experience with both the rolling thunder and grippers, which do you feel has better overall carryover to real life grip strength?

Initially, I was thinking I would emphasize grippers this year (either way I will train both) but now I am thinking that maybe the rolling thunder should be the emphasis. Since snatches/swings already worked my closed hand grip pretty well, I thought the RT may be a better overall hand strengthener for me since it trains the thumb and an open hand grip. Thoughts? @bencrush @Geoff Chafe
If I had to pick one and only one... I would go with the RT.

The thing is... I wouldn't pick just one.
@offwidth That’s why i’m not just picking one. When I say emphasize, I mean train one lift while fresh with greater intensity and do some sets with the other lift afterward.

@Steve Freides Sure, that is a little unclear. I am just asking if people have experienced greater carryover to other lifts/everyday tasks with one lift more than another.
@Steve Freides is right in asking about what constitutes 'real world ' grip strength. Grip is so darn specific. I know people with absolutely amazing crimp strength, yet their open hand strength is comparatively weak.
But in general terms (if that exists) my experience is that open hand grip strength is more valuable.
Since snatches/swings already worked my closed hand grip pretty well, I thought the RT may be a better overall hand strengthener for me since it trains the thumb and an open hand grip.

Agreed. Any Thick Bar work gives a lot of bang for buck. Wrist strength is also a large factor in open hand strength.

With Barbell and Kettlebell training Axel, RT, and Thick Dumbell lifting is a superior supplement instead of grippers if I had to choose.

I like to warmup with grippers, or do them between sets of Presses or Squats. Getting better at grippers will help you hold on if grip is a limiting factor in something like Pull-ups and Deadlifts on a standard diameter bar.

Grippers at the beginning or between sets and Thick Bar at the end or back off work.
Agreed. Any Thick Bar work gives a lot of bang for buck. Wrist strength is also a large factor in open hand strength.

With Barbell and Kettlebell training Axel, RT, and Thick Dumbell lifting is a superior supplement instead of grippers if I had to choose.

I like to warmup with grippers, or do them between sets of Presses or Squats. Getting better at grippers will help you hold on if grip is a limiting factor in something like Pull-ups and Deadlifts on a standard diameter bar.

Grippers at the beginning or between sets and Thick Bar at the end or back off work.
Thanks for the input Geoff!
other lifts/everyday tasks
OK, that's specific now - other lifts, and every day tasks.

I agree with Geoff - the first thing I'd do, assuming you are already comfortable with the barbell deadlift, is get a thick bar and do some deadlifting with that. The RT represents an even greater grip challenge and I haven't ever felt the need for it, honestly. I have an Apollon's Axle and used to regularly practice straddle deadlifts with it - lots of good things happening just by doing that one lift that way, IMHO.

I - and I don't think I'm alone in this - keep a C of C Trainer model around - it sits on the shelf in the kitchen, near the phone, and I just grab it a few times a day and give it a close or two with each hand. I feel like some gripper work is useful because it trains a range of grip motion you don't otherwise hit often, but I haven't felt the need to go really heavy on my C of C - for me, heavy C of C training has taken more than it's given back, so I don't do much beyond the trainer.

I have my grippers and a homemade rolling thunder. It's fun using the rolling thunder, but just don't know where to insert it in the weekly training. So many tools, not enough time to fit them in.
I decided to set 2 grip goals for the upcoming year.

1) close the CoC 2 from a credit card set with each hand (currently I can just barely close the 1.5).

2) Lift 72kg (158lb) with the rolling thunder with each hand (currently at 56kg R hand only).

I am planning on training both 2-3 times per week in the same session.
For grip strength, I use CoC grippers between sets of other exercises, especially between sets of trap bar DLs; bar hangs; and also use the 2.25” Fat Gripz sleeves on both the straight and trap bar. The Fat Gripz work well and are very humbling!
For those of you who have experience with both the rolling thunder and grippers, which do you feel has better overall carryover to real life grip strength?

Initially, I was thinking I would emphasize grippers this year (either way I will train both) but now I am thinking that maybe the rolling thunder should be the emphasis. Since snatches/swings already worked my closed hand grip pretty well, I thought the RT may be a better overall hand strengthener for me since it trains the thumb and an open hand grip. Thoughts? @bencrush @Geoff Chafe
I know it's been said before, but I have to say it again. My recommendation hinges on what type of "real life grip strength" you need. I have worked in a jail for about 16 years. Both types of strength (thickbar or open hand strength, and grippers or closed hand strength) have been very useful over my career. What might surprise most people is that I believe gripper strength has been more beneficial for me because of the closed hand (or almost closed) strength that for me has translated to being extremely strong in the closed hand position of holding onto clothing when grappling. I have BJJ friends who agree with me that getting stronger on grippers has helped their gi (or any type of clothing) grappling game immensely.

Obviously, being strong on thickbar would help with holding onto wrists in a grappling situation.
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