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Kettlebell D&D Concepts in ROP


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Hi, this is my first post after years of lurking. I’ve been training with kettlebells for a few years. I’m about to start ROP for the first time and the dice roll portion put me in mind of Dungeons & Dragons.

As a player I have a bunch of polyhedral dice lying around. The program as written calls for 2d6 minutes of swings/snatches. I was wondering about using 1d12 or 3d4 instead? The range of outcomes is similar but the probability distribution is different: 1d12 is completely flat, 2d6 is triangular, and 3d4 is bell shaped.

That led me to think of another D&D idea: critical hits. For those unfamiliar, if you roll 20 on an attack roll you can increase the damage by either a) doubling the damage dice, b) rolling twice as many damage dice, or c) taking the max value of the damage dice.

In the context of ROP, I was thinking that before each session I could roll a d20, and if I roll a 20, I have to increase the dice roll in one of the ways described above. I see this as an application of Pavel’s concept in S&S of going “all out” every couple of weeks.

There’s probably a way to apply the idea of advantage/disadvantage as well, where you roll twice and take the higher/lower of the two outcomes. Maybe on days you feel under the weather.

In practice I don’t think these ideas would make much difference, but I’d be interested to hear what people who have run the program think. Maybe I’ll try it this way and post how it goes. Thanks!
What I have done in the past was on snatch days, I’d do 50 swings before the snatch day as a “warm up.” I wouldn’t add too much outside what the program calls for. The volume builds up quick. Enjoy the “light” days when you can. Later after you have done the program a few times then maybe consider switching to a different program. The program as written doesn’t need any changes added to it.
Hi, this is my first post after years of lurking. I’ve been training with kettlebells for a few years. I’m about to start ROP for the first time and the dice roll portion put me in mind of Dungeons & Dragons.

As a player I have a bunch of polyhedral dice lying around. The program as written calls for 2d6 minutes of swings/snatches. I was wondering about using 1d12 or 3d4 instead? The range of outcomes is similar but the probability distribution is different: 1d12 is completely flat, 2d6 is triangular, and 3d4 is bell shaped.

That led me to think of another D&D idea: critical hits. For those unfamiliar, if you roll 20 on an attack roll you can increase the damage by either a) doubling the damage dice, b) rolling twice as many damage dice, or c) taking the max value of the damage dice.

In the context of ROP, I was thinking that before each session I could roll a d20, and if I roll a 20, I have to increase the dice roll in one of the ways described above. I see this as an application of Pavel’s concept in S&S of going “all out” every couple of weeks.

There’s probably a way to apply the idea of advantage/disadvantage as well, where you roll twice and take the higher/lower of the two outcomes. Maybe on days you feel under the weather.

In practice I don’t think these ideas would make much difference, but I’d be interested to hear what people who have run the program think. Maybe I’ll try it this way and post how it goes. Thanks!
Since SF has gotten away from tons of high intensity work like ROP was originally writ for, I ditch the dice and just use a basic swing or snatch progression.
Hi, this is my first post after years of lurking. I’ve been training with kettlebells for a few years. I’m about to start ROP for the first time and the dice roll portion put me in mind of Dungeons & Dragons.

As a player I have a bunch of polyhedral dice lying around. The program as written calls for 2d6 minutes of swings/snatches. I was wondering about using 1d12 or 3d4 instead? The range of outcomes is similar but the probability distribution is different: 1d12 is completely flat, 2d6 is triangular, and 3d4 is bell shaped.

That led me to think of another D&D idea: critical hits. For those unfamiliar, if you roll 20 on an attack roll you can increase the damage by either a) doubling the damage dice, b) rolling twice as many damage dice, or c) taking the max value of the damage dice.

In the context of ROP, I was thinking that before each session I could roll a d20, and if I roll a 20, I have to increase the dice roll in one of the ways described above. I see this as an application of Pavel’s concept in S&S of going “all out” every couple of weeks.

There’s probably a way to apply the idea of advantage/disadvantage as well, where you roll twice and take the higher/lower of the two outcomes. Maybe on days you feel under the weather.

In practice I don’t think these ideas would make much difference, but I’d be interested to hear what people who have run the program think. Maybe I’ll try it this way and post how it goes. Thanks!
As a D&D player, it sounds great!
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