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Level 1 Valued Member
Anybody know of any ab drills that if done regularly don't add inches to the waist?

Double Kettlebell Front Squats also put a good deal of tension on the abdominals.


SFG II Scott Iardella did a write up on it a while back.

<a title="The Best Exercise For Six Pack Abs That You’ve Probably Never Done" href=""></a>
Len, your abs are muscles like any other.  Train them for strength without hypertrophy like you would anything else - relatively intense efforts, short sets, long rests, frequent training.

Thanks guys! I appreciate it.  And broccoli fills you up. Good idea.



Len, it's a totally legitimate issue.  I've got a tallish/slim skeleton, maybe from genes, probably from crappy childhood nutrition.  Some muscles like adductors and lats actually get in the way.  Having a manly transversus is downright uncomfortable.  Find your limits, then retreat to wherever you feel healthy.  At 6'2" and 210ish I got a perfect double clean and front squat with a pair of 40 kg bells.  It was just too much, and my guts hurt.  So, I'm resigned to mediocre numbers -- 405 deadlift, 10 x 10 swings with a 32 kg, backsquats with 225.  As a consolation prize, if I can't have Paul Anderson type strength, at least I have above-average talent for jogging.

Also, keep the reps low - see any of Pavel's writing.
Mike Moran,

I agree.  I am not doing Spider-Man crawls yet, but Leopard crawls are among the best "core" work I have ever done.  After a few sets of forward and backwards leopard crawls, I feel like I have done a total body workout.  Add swings or deadlifts and you have pretty much worked everything.  I digress, but crawls are great ab work, as well as anterior chain work in general.
Since we have gone outside the kettle bell world...

Try Matt Furey's Magnificent Seven in his book Combat Abs.  I started them 14 years ago while looking for something to help my runner's back pain.  They worked.  They work the whole core along with some joint mobility.
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