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Old Forum any martial artist use the bear routine?

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Level 4 Valued Member
i am a martial artist who want to get stronger and i have read some good things about the bear routine to.

but i have read to that it is very demanding. and that you have to take rest seriously.

so i am wondering if mma and the bear routine would be a good combination because mma is off course very demanding to in combination with bag work, running etc. and if so what would be a good combination off exercises.

hope to get

If you want to focus on getting stronger, while practicing MMA, I would not recommend the bear. I gained a pretty solid amount of strength, and some mass, while on the Bear but I was crushed after 4 weeks. I would do 20 minutes of super light cardio once or twice a week, but nothing else. Some people may be able to deal with the recovery, but I know I wouldn't have been able to. IMO you'd be better off working just regular PTTP or easy strength.
Hello Andy, thanks for your reaction, I was alreday afraid that the volume would be to much.

If the chociche would be PTTP do you thnik the deadlift and sidepress is a good combination? And if you have done it yourself, do you feel it works good for overal strength? Maybay I am a little bit sceptical but it seems to simple to work, but then again, most time simple is the best.
If you have some pairs of KB's I would recommend Geoff Neupert's Kettlebell Strong. That is what I am using and feel that my strength is way up!
I have two kettlebells but not the same weights, 20 and 24 kilo.

I have read some good stuff about that programm to, its just sad that I cant find routines from that book. If you surch for other routines you can find enough but from Kettlebell Strong there is nothing to find. I find that book quit expensive, so I dont have the moeny now to order it.

Do you think you can combine kettlebell strong with martial arts and running (spriinting) 1-2 times a week?

And how many times do you workout with kettlebell Strong and for how long?

I cannot ask for a routine from the book I think ;-)

Thanks for reacting
I did it with overhead press and deadlift and fond it worked well. Performed 4 times a week, and had plenty of energy for rowing 4 times a week. Started out very light, when the weights started feeling heavy or if I was feeling a little run down I'd drop the weight and start a new cycle. Added 15lbs to my press, and 25lbs to my deadlift in 2 months while doing a fair amount of cardio. Weight stayed the same. Not amazing numbers, but strength wasn't my focus.
thanks andy, but my focus is to get stronger so maybay kb strong would be better?
Brett Jones's SFG Kettlebell Certification Prep Guide in the Strong First articles section can be done with 20kg and 24k bells. And it will get you as strong as you need to be for MMA.
I've written a program based on Bear program with kettlebells and have used it successfully with martial artists, however, sounds like Easy Strength, Pttp, Program Minimum, will all serve you well.

Probably program minimum will be best for you.
@wim lokate


KB Strong is 3x week strength based. I also do 2x a week Heavy bag workouts and then 2x a week in the dojo for 1.5-2 hours a session.

If you can, take a look at Easy Strength. The whole book is about how to get stronger, while still performing a sport. Has multiple sections that reference training used by coaches/trainers for fighters and boxers.
Thanks again guys, PM doesnt seem to fit me because I have already a very physical job and train martial arts 3 days a week. It have to be more strength focus. Like to see more of Kettlebell Strong do. But these books are so damnd expensive.

I have read Easy strength but couldnt find a good routine, maybay its my lack of reading Englisch. So much text for me, its hard to figure out what is important and what not.

(Englisch is not my main language as you maybay can seen on my writing)
I'd try something minimal, lift 3 days a week, pick a few different strength exercises (like a deadlift, a press and pull ups). Keep the weight relatively heavy and the reps 10 or less, and bring the weight up or down throughout the week. Rest plenty in between lifts. Finish feeling fresh. Might look something like this:

Monday: 3x3

Wednesday: 2x5 (lighter than Monday)

Friday: 5x2 (heavier than monday

Lifts are just recommendations, feel free to pick ones that benefit your training/goals.
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