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Old Forum Be like water

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Level 3 Valued Member
A bit of Friday inspirational entertainment - (another) amazing Bruce Lee.  Hopefully its not old viewing for the forum.

Interesting the be like water - fluid to "crash" as he puts it.  Strength philosophy (related to another thread here too talking about psyching up).  I like his exhalation/noises at the peak of his feat (which were speed moreso than strength).
It's fake. CGI special effects, it was part of a phone commercial.

Umm, nuts.  Thanks Jason.  I didn't realise that - was wondering from a physics perspective if the nunchuck could actually do that, but having never used/held one, went with the cool factor.

Despite some interesting philosophical ideas in the clip, and a good demo of the Hollow Position, it still annoys me.   I should Be-the-pingpong-bat and unleash a few moves of my own on those imposters.  I'll stick to 400kg deadlift clips in the future - hard to fake that.  Well there was that moon landing thing...
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