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Old Forum Best belt for pullups with kettlebells

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Chris F.

Level 3 Valued Member
Ladies and Gents, any idea of a good one to go with? Want to add weighted pulls but have a different option than hanging the 'bell from my foot.


I use the Rogue Dip Belt and it is of nice quality.

Sometimes having to put the bell on / take it off while doing ladders is as annoying as using the KBs on your feet. I only use the best for higher rep ladders such as 3-5. If I'm doing 1 or 2 reps I'll just use my feet cause it's quicker.
I use a karate belt.  I adjust the loop for size with a square knot (so the KB doesn't drag on the floor), loop through the kb handle then hang it on my waist.  Works fine with my 24Kg, and even the 24 and 8 together.  For the 8kg alone I just hang the belt on my neck, easier than stepping through the belt and adjusting it.  Free, but I've got a whole box of karate belts.  I have a doorway pull-up bar in my office and minimal equipment.  Never tried to make it work with plates or anything heavier than 70 lbs.
I use an iron chain i adjust in length with a karabiner. I fixed a beast with this method. The weight can hang loose, and my glutes prevent the chain to slip down. It works: cheap, simple, durable for a lifetime.
A neck belt with a chain for bulls... Few years ago I bought one for a cheap price in the local shop. The only adjustment was adding a carabiner. Have not done pull-ups with more than 32 kg, but the belt definitely can handle much more.
I highly recommend this one:
This one works well for me:

I think Pavel recommended the Iron Mind one but I don't know where I remember that from, so it might be made up :p
I have the Harbinger nylon one.  Under $30 on Amazon, and good enough for my purposes.  It can take at least 48kg.  No way to know if it's the "best" -- I haven't tried the more expensive ones listed above.
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