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Old Forum Critique my cycle please

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Level 5 Valued Member
Am looking at regaining some strength in the autumn, while avoiding injury and burn out, (36 year old, long time trainee, physical job and occasional bad back).

Gonna select a 3-5 approach, using the following exercises:


Workout A
Military press

Front Squat

Power curl


Workout B

Floor press

Sumo Deadlift

Weighted chin



Plan is to start at 3 sets of 5 @ 80% of current 5 rm.  Add one set each workout till I'm doing 5x5, then add 5kgs and repeat.

So, my Front Squat cycle will look like this:

current 5 rm = 115kg

Workout 1: 90kg x 3 x 5

workout 2: 90kg x 4 x 5

workout 3: 90kg x 5 x 5

workout 4: 95kg x 3 x 5


After 3-4 cycles I will deload and then start again a step back.  So I would pass my 5 rm after 8-12 cycles, which is about 16-24 weeks.


Thoughts, opinions or suggestions welcome from those with more knowledge than I.


Thanks in advance.

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