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Old Forum Critique my plan

  • Thread starter Deleted member 316
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Deleted member 316

I am seriously thinking about putting the bench away for good and saying goodbye to benchpresses and back squats (I train first thing in the morning before anyone is up and the risk factor is up there.) So I am planning on doing S&S mon tues thurs and fri, deadlifts wed (5/3/1 style as I enjoy the programming and the built in deload), the weekend will be (weather permitting) sled work and sledgehammers on sat , and of course lots of play (sports and stuff with the kids). I wouldnt mind working on my pullups either.

I think breaking up the S&S sessions will lead to better adherance for me (yes i have a bit of program a.d.d).
Dont get me wrong. I enjoy just doing the three powerlifts (mon, wed, and fri) and banging out swings in between. I am just worried about safety and excessive wear and tear on the body. Or is my thinking not justified? I am looking to be strong, athletic, and putting a little more meat on.
As long as you do KB squats or presses, that could work. If you're not doing squats just because of the lack of spotter, you could drop the weight slightly and then do more sets of whatever reps you were doing.

It does seem like a lot, but I'm not one to talk. You're going to have to eat a ton.  (Yaaaay)
It sounds good. I will say if you're concerned with hypertrophy, 5/3/1 as written might be better, although this should work as well. I think this would be better for athleticism. I would not do kb presses if doing S&S 4 days a week; goblet squats ala the program and increasing the weight should be fine.
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