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Old Forum Deadlifting technique question

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Level 1 Valued Member
Hi, First post to this forum and would like some DL technique advice please.

I recently added in deadlifts to my routine, following a 5-3-2 format once per week, occasionally twice on ETK variety days.

I have an issue wherby when I hit about 120 to 125kg when I pull off the floor my lower back is losing its shape on about the third rep.  I've tried cycling back a couple of times but when I get to the same weight each time the same thing happens.  It feels like my legs have got loads more power so this is frustrating - especially as this is not a great deadlift weight in the first place. I'm planning to change this routine up to make the deadlift more prominent to  DL three times per week.

I think it is possibly my lats aren't engaged. I think this because my shoulders seem forward at the bottom.  By making my chest proud at the bottom it feels uncomfortable in the mid back even getting into positon for the DL.

Are there any cues for the lats and DLing or is this maybe a flexibility issue?  I do hunch at a desk all day and frequently feel tightness across mid back but can get into a bridge position without issue.

Should I just DL a bit more often and focus on the tech or maybe do something additional for the lats to strengthen them  (I do chin ups, palms facing me as part of ETK ladders with +10Kg weight added, but cannot do an overarm grip as it causes me tendon issues in the forearm)?

For reference I've been following ETK for maybe 3 years and can press a 36kg for 1 rep, 2 on a good day at BW of 82Kg and can hit RKC/SFG snatch test numbers going all out but not anywhere near the SSST yet.  I am close to 37 years old.
A video would be great, but an obvious choice is block pulls. All the benifits and you can find a height that works. Then you can work down to the floor or not. If you don't compete it doesn't matter.
Roger, if you are able to do at least a few reps correctly, here is the exercise to develop specific endurance.  Lift a light weight off the platform, stop for several seconds right below the kneecaps, then go back down and restart from a dead stop.  Do 3-5 reps in this manner, followed by one full DL.
Roger, you mention having trouble at rep 3 but your videos are both only doubles - please post a video that shows what you think is the problem.

If you pressurize your midsection hard, then you don't have to do what you describe as making your back uncomfortable.  Some of the world's greatest deadlifters pull with a rounded up back and shoulders at the start - it lets you get closer to the bar.

Hey Roger, I use pendelay rows to strengthen my deadlifts and reset my mid back. Personally, they have been one of the greatest additions to my program.

If you are having trouble, I would recommend an experienced training partner or a knowledgeable personal trainer. Having an actual person work with you is well worth the money and time to schedule.

Not a huge fan of the advice given here this far. Your set up is off, fix this first. Pulljhg with a rounder thoracic spine does not warrant thought at these weights, period. It's a way to lift more by shortening the range, very sport driven and not a strength builder in general. Here is my take if you care. Move your stance in so your feet are under your hips, turn your feet out a bit. now take that stance with the bar over mid foot and grab the bar while keeping your hips high. All you do from here is raise your chest hard, yes your back will get tight. This will bring your knees forward a bit. Now you need to pull hard, much harder than you do now. really damn hard. Reset after each rep and make each one faster. If you watch your first video look where the bar is before it leaves the ground. It's well in front of you causing you to reach and flex your back. now watch close at where it is when it leaves the ground. It's close to the shin. So your pulling yourself out of position and can't get it back. You must fix the start.
Roger, try Pavel's idea. You can figure out if your lats not firing.

My thoughts...Start with strictly vertical shins, so fix the height of weights in order to perform in that manner.  Do alternate grips.

There's a difference in your lift between the 7th sec and the 13th sec. Your lower back lost slight connection with the upper back.  Push the bar against the shin.
I agree with Eric that your set up seems off. Have you got deadlift dynamite? I do recommend it.
All thanks for the input.  Steve I did two reps with a lighter weight as I'm concerned that going to the point where I notice it going wrong I think is putting my lower back at risk.

So the points I take from this thread are that my setup is off.  I should try Pavel's suggestion.  When I lift I need to lead with the chest initially and also get much tighter.

What I will do is try the assitance exercises and also try the suggested tweaks to set up and lifting - maybe trying the the technique in a GTG type way over a week or so (can't do anyhting for rest of the week as everything is now boxed to move).  Then I'll take another video of my form and post it after a couple of weeks to see if it has improved.

Thanks again for help - any further suggestions also appreciated!

PS, I do not have Deadlift Dynamite.  I'll look to pick up a copy when I next get paid.
There was strong first blog post recently that addresses getting tight on your lifts.Do a search for it as it mentioned a guy that added quite a bit to his DL by creating more tension than than he was before hand.Also agree with Steve above and learn the valsalva maneuver ,getting your stomach pressurized do a search.I would seek out an experienced powerlifter for some technique advice and hands on technique issues.
Pavels idea holds value after you check off a few things before. For more detail look up Greg Nuckols and read his article on pause deadlifts. Same idea, but more info for you with vids. Also, there is an app called coaches eye which allows to slow down and track bar path from rep to rep. This can be a huge ah ha tool. For now, since your start and address is the issue along with just not pulling hard enough you could simply set a timer for 10 minutes and pull singles only. Shoot for 10 first session and make them better each rep, then add reps but keep time constant. Use 70% to start and keep that weight until it's a joke it's so fast.
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