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Fatigue Cycling 5x5

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Level 1 Valued Member
The program:

Linear progression, 5x5, 2 ramp up sets followed by 3 straight sets with 3-5min rest in between sets. Every session the exercises will be rotating in the way Pavel explained in Beyond bodybuilding.

The lifts:

The Paused Back Squats: Take a deep breath, hold it, slowly descend, pause for a second and release the air as you come up.

The Silent Deadlift: Clean grip, overhand, the goal is to lower the weight under control and make little to no sound when you put it down. No dropping.

The Bench Press Yates row superset: Self explanatory, strict form on each, use the same weight with a pause on the chest for the bench and a hold at the waist on the row, just a 1 count enough to remove momentum.

Breathing work:

Pavel refers to Karate quite a bit in his writings so instead of fast/loose drills, in between sets, in Pavel's honor you'll perform Karate deep breathing exercises. In between squats, get in seiza position for 5 deep breaths. In between upper body superset, the Nogare breathing x5. In between Deads ibuki breathing x5. This helps focus and dynamic tension is great to strengthen and stretch at the same time. Look it up and try it. Or not :)

Conditioning: This one will be a grey area. On off days, I'll be running and boxing the bag but more in an aerobic, almost recovery fashion. I'll play by ear based on how the body feel. I'll stay away from hard conditioning unless I deem it not to impair recovery. As of right now I'm thinking a 5k run with talk test and 3-5 rounds on the bag at 50% power focusing on technique, movement and footwork.

The goals:
2xBW for 3x5 on the Squats and Deads
1.5 BW for 3x5 on the BP and YR

Current bodyweight is 215lbs.

Special consideration: No access to barbells in over a year due to the pandemic lockdown.

Week 1:

This week we'll start at 50% of target weight.

Day 1:

Warm up:
Foam rolling (Back, Glutes, IT band, quads, hams and calves) x10 rolls
Rope skip x 300
Strict, slow hindu squats x 30
Strict slow hindu push ups x10
Neck bridge x10 breaths

Bar only x5, 135x5, 215x(3x5)

Bar only x5, 135x5, 165x (3x5)


Bar x5, 135x5, 215x(3x5)

3min rest in between sets as well as the respective breathing exercise x5

Good return session with focus and technique.

Tomorrow conditioning.
Day 2:

Light conditioning, aerobic work.

30min run with talk test throughout. 7mph. 3.5miles total.


Run felt very easy, a little too easy even but not a bad thing. I don't feel tired but energized.
Day 3:

Same weight and rest as Day 1

Exercises rotated to:

Bench/Rows superset

Deadlifts went from first to last and although the weight is low I've noticed less energy to pull the weight off the floor.

Really put focus on rep quality, full body tension and breathing. Felt like a quality session.
Day 4: Conditioning

5k run and 5 x 2min rounds on the heavy bag. Once again medium intensity, working on the aerobic system.
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