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Old Forum Flexibility!

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At the age you stop training it appropriately. Many people never train it appropriately, but still keep it. I've seen a lot of folks in the martial arts and dance world in their 70s, 80s, and 90s that can still do full splits. I'm much, much more flexible now (getting close to full splits) than I was when I was in my teens or twenties. It's all about having the right methodology and following it. There are lots of folks who didn't achieve a split until they were past 40.
I realised the other day that I can't put my toe on my nose anymore. I could do this a few years ago when I was more overweight, weaker and less fit... this tells me I really have been neglecting flexibility! Pretty sure it can come back though ;) (I have never been able to do the splits though... even when I was a kid and practiced all the time).
Patrick, at whatever age you start sitting in a desk or chair all day instead of moving around.  I am more flexible as I approach 60 years old than I was for the first 5 decades of my life, at least as far back as I can remember, but I confess to not remembering much about being two or three years old. :)

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