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Old Forum Forearm hypertrophy

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Marty Lynden

Level 4 Valued Member
First post and it is one centered around vanity ( should be ashamed...). Anyway, here goes.

I have never been particularily interested in building muscle, instead my main interest has been in just getting as strong as I can and learn the skill of strenght and let the visible muscle gains come as they please.

Over all I feel this has worked out very nicely since I started training. However there is one exception. I have exceptionally skinny forearms. Being a naturally quite skinny guy weighing in at 165 at 6 feet I guess this isn´t to uncommon, however its a bit of a letdown being in your early 30s and realizing you have the forearms of a malnutrioned 16 year old girl.

So I decided I wanted to do something about it, however I quickly realized I have only a vague idea on how to proceed. Right now I am using 5 exercises in my routine. The one arm push-up, weighted pull ups, pistols and hanging leg raises. I train 5 days a week totaling a total of 10 reps a day for each of the excercises except for the swing where I usually perform one set of 25. Using this routine I am really happy with my strenght gains and recently nailed a pull up with 48 additional kilos.

But, as I said, I would out of pure vanity like to add some meat to my forearms. Also I think it will be beneficial to add some extensor work as a prehab to any elbow tendinitis that might creep up on me as I intend to start gunning for the one arm chin up.

Just not sure how I should go about adding a hypertrophy protocol for the forearms to my above routine?

I dug out my old copy of "Beyond bodybuilding" but didn´t really get any wiser. Naturally I assume I would add work for both the flexors and extensors (like the finger curl and extensor work described in "Beyond bodybuilding"), but what about pronation/supination and Radial and Ulnar deviation, how many sets, how many days a week? The important thing is that I can integrate it with my strenght work, I dont really wan´t to let my vanity take it´s toll on my general strenght development. Maybe I am overcomplicating things but I feel a bit lost when it comes to how to train for hypertrophy. I really started to think about this after reading Pavels articles on slow fiber hypertrophy, but not sure how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated.
Sounds to me like you may be overcomplicating it a bit. Add some weights and basic kettlebell movements to your seemingly bodyweight routines and good things will happen to your arms. Have you read Simple & Sinister? Work your way up to swinging a 40kg comfortably with one arm, eat like a man, and you'll definitely see your forearms explode. I know because it happened to me. Double swings for higher reps are a good option too, or Dan John's 10,000 swing programme.
After doing S&S for the first 6 months, my forearms (chest and neck, too) no longer fit in any of my button-up collared shirts. In that time, my forearms grew over one inch in circumference. (I had barely even started using the 32kg for my practice at that point, btw.)
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