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Old Forum GTG Swings and Getups?

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Level 1 Valued Member
I've been doing S&S for about two weeks now.

For the next two weeks I'm in a position where I will be able to easily step out to practice pretty much every hour. I don't often have such a block of time that I can do something like this, so I want to take best advantage of it if possible.

Would it be productive to GTG swings and a getup each hour, either in lieu of or in addition to S&S (which is in the morning for me), for this two week period?

My goal is general strength and fitness, my weakest point is probably flexibility, which is improving with S&S.

- Bill

Why not? It's practice and will make you better at each movement providing your already doing them correctly.IMO it certainly wouldn't hurt you unless your mobility /flexibility issues hurt your technique then i would work on that until your limber enough to do movement in a safe manner.
Decided to dive in and see how it goes.

Day 1 felt good, got in 10 sets averaging 90 minutes in between, each was 10 swings and 1 getup each side.

Could fit another set in before turning in, but I think I'll do the 90|90 and QL stretch instead.

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