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Old Forum Help working around an elbow injury

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Level 2 Valued Member
Hello,  I"m new to the forum.  I've be a fan of Pavel and kettlebells for few years now, also a karate practioner.  I train mainly with kettlebells and body weight exercises to supplement my martial arts and stay in shape.  Glad to see the new site is up and running.

I seem to have developed what i can only assume is tendinopathy of the inner elbow from preforming pullups.  I believe the cause was a combination of bad form and too-much-too-soon.  I visited an RKC a few months ago for some help with a shoulder issue (opposite side of the body and I assume unrelated)  In the course of our session she corrected my pull up form but I believe the damage was already done and I didn't mention the possible tendonitis because it wasn't flaring up at the time.

I see no reason to continue pullup training until I'm sure I have recovered, but my concern is muscle imbalance.  I'm looking for recommendations for exercises to do while I give myself time to heal.  chinups dont bother the elbow as much but I do notice it.  horizontal rows and kettlebell rows have not bothered it at all in the past but i'm not looking to take chances.  I'm not currently financially able to visit a physician for something thats not serious, plus the RKC I visited was ten times more effective at treating my shoulder than any specialist i had seen prior.  So until I have the means to visit an RKC (or SFG) I would like some help working those muscles with as little risk as possible.  any suggestions offered are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance to everyone, and Pavel, keep up the good work the new site is awesome.


Steve, do for your elbow what your doc tells you to do.

Meanwhile, you can maintain, and even improve, your pullup strength through a combination of strict hanging leg raises and—if your elbow and your doc do not object—grip work like Captains of Crush grippers.
I have suffered from both tennis and golfers elbow for years due to overtraining, BJJ injuries etc.  My chiro pointed me to this article that changed my life.  This time last year, my elbows hurt so bad I could barely train.  After doing the Tyler Twist in both directions for a while, I am now doing VWC twice a week while doing two krav maga and two pekiti tirsia kali sessions a week.  Elbows are fine.  The Flexbar will cost you less than $20.  There are better videos for this technique on YouTube.  It's not rocket surgery, though.  And it works.
Thanks for the suggestions. .  I've already begun HLR's following the hardstyle abs protocol.  I was stoked when I got my first full leg raise about two months ago.  I also got a couple Captain of Crush grippers recently,though havent focused on them much, sounds like a good time to start.  I was turned on to them by a local blacksmith who can bend a 30penny nail with seemingly no effort.

Andrew, I read the article and that seems like a viable option,  I'll put in an order for one soon.

Thanks again.


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