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If it flies right, it looks right

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Firstly, hi to all, new to the forum, although I have been scouting for many months.

Secondly (training), I have come from a background of ripping muscles to bits, been doing a 4 day fierce 5 intermediate program found on another forum page. I have been searching for an ideal program that I can run alongside my totally hectic life, a wife, two young kids (girls - totally out numbered), working endless hours, and a fair amount of time working opposing hours to the wife so free time can be hard to come by…

So I set up a squat rack a pull up bar, got myself a few barbells and 200kg of second hand weights for when I can’t get to the gym….

finding time to train a 4 day upper/lower and having rest days etc was just becoming so inconvenient, although I did make fairly good progress in a short period of time without a doubt, so I believe I’ve finally stumbled across a program I’ve been searching for for the last 2 years.

A program that allows me to train almost whenever I can, some weeks it might be 3 in a row followed by no time for 2-3 days next week I could train 5-6 days no problems.

My first session was today
Warm Up included 3 x 50ft Farmers Carries @ Bodyweight
Deadlifts, Overhead Press, Squats, Bench 2 x 5 @ 70% TRM (2 minute tests)
RDL, DB Press, Front Squats and Dips 3 x 6 @ 10 TRM (1 minute tests)


Coming from the background of hitting muscles to the max, such as 3 x 6 at max weight etc this feels very surreal, weird. I’ve walked away from the garage with more to give which is a weird feeling (I’m guessing that’s right), that I could do it all again tomorrow.


It’s mainly a thank you to Fabio for making my goals interesting and convenient again

And also a thread for people to respond to see if it’s the right plan, if I should of added extras, or done something different.*

*Core work unfortunately couldn’t get done, youngest woke up literally as I pumped in the last 2 reps of the dips and the wife is at a wedding so fatherly duties took over
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