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Old Forum Matt Kroc Deadlifting 101 article

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Level 5 Valued Member

What can I say. I use the site for a couple of guys on the forum that is really impressing and keep feeding good articles this way. I'm not marketing the site... intentionally.
Thanks! Always good to have a master give pointers on proper technique, body position, and movement cues.
My one gripe about deadlift instruction is the failure to distinguish between means and ends.  The instruction usually starts with why deads are THE exercise, but then immediately segues in to how to compete at deadlifting.  Steve Freides competes and wins at deadlifting, but at the end of this thread he explains a subtlety:  He deadlifts to be strong, and competes to display his strength.  Not the same as deadlifting to compete:

Since I don't compete, "deadlift" is a wide-open category of exercises rather than an event.  So I'm not at all interested in suits or belts or shoes.  I grip double overhand, never mixed, usually not hooked.  I switched to sumo because it's ergonomic for me even though I did get more conventional; again, exercising, not competing.  I also pay attention to variations -- extended ROM, fat bar, zerchers, parallel grip bar, 5rm instead of 1rm.

I've worked as a mover and when you pick up a nightstand or safe or whatever it's more like a squatting atlas stone zercher bear hug thingamajig followed by a farmer's walk.  It's a wholly different take on what a deadlift is, being able to carefully move some rich person's tacky bronze statue, as opposed to specializing at competing with a barbell.

P.S. Rickard, was that you I saw selling Alpha Male from your car in the Planet Fitness parking lot?


was that you squatting atlas stone zercher bear hug thingamajig farmer walking a giant bronze statue? ...


This might soon be in a crossfit contest near you!
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