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Old Forum Metotrexhate and training

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Level 4 Valued Member
Hello there! Well i dont know if i am on the right forum for my question but i will try it anyway. Next week i will begin a treatment with a medicine called "Metotrexhate" and  i will use it for 3-4 months and it is it is for my eczema. During this treatment my immune system will be lower so as i know i cannot train for strenght since it drains my cns. Please do correct me if i am wrong here. Also certain hormones will be of balance so my body wont be able to create new muscles during this time. How would you recomend me to train?  I am used to train with kettlebells and i am currently using simple&sinnister program
The obvious answer would be that your prescribing MD should provide the guidelines.  I am not so sure that some suppression of the immune system would have a big impact on your training unless you had an infection or experienced some bone marrow suppression.  As with most medications there are a lot of potential side effects with Methotrexate but that does not mean you should experience any of them.  Usually you would have monthly monitoring.  Bottom line is to discuss with prescribing MD.
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