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Old Forum Muscle ups

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Level 5 Valued Member
Been practicing muscle ups lately my question is what category of movement would you classify it under for easy strength ?
Upperbody pull and push? But since you are probably doing it unweighted (can one do them weighted? never thought about it, shall google it after this) then a couple of dips maybe won't do as much as needed for your push. The question would be if you can add something and how much for a press, this is going to be real interesting if anyone has used it and with another push and the results. I would venture that some more pressing wouldn't hurt. Maybe someone should try it.
More pressing won't hurt. The only time I've done MUs regularly, I used them as a warmup for heavy weighted pullups and barbell overhead presses.

Maybe changing grips could work, too. Pull up over the bar, move your grip in close enough to make the 'dip' as hard as the 'pullup', and do your press. Trying to do a super slow muscleup, if you can, that makes the transition to the dip almost a triceps pushdown could be another way to make the press portion harder.
Keep in mind that the transition part of the muscle up dominates the movement. The pull up and the dip before and after the transition are insignificant by comparison. I think the question reduces to "what category of movement would the muscle up transition be classified as?"

I'm not sure what to say about that, but it's not a pull. Does it even fit the framework? Maybe it's just "special."
assuming you do them from a dead hang (no kip) the pulling portion is VERY significant while the dip is not. I'd classify it as an upper body ballistic* pull. This can be a slippery slope... "holy crap. Not only do i have to perform all the basic human movements, but i have to do a grind and ballistic move for each!?" You'll end up with too much stuff that way. If you're a crossfiter or climber (soldier maybe?), muscle ups deserve a place in your routine. Otherwise, they serve as an interesting change of pace. Other possibility--you just dig muscle ups--cool, have fun.

*if you want to get nitpicky... some people classify a "ballistic" load as 10-40% 1RM. Unless you're very, very strong, muscle ups will not fall into that range.
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