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Old Forum Nutrition

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Can ou make a suggestion on nutrition for me, I'm traveling worldwide and find it hard (more from lack of time) to eat on a proper plan (im not eating junk food) and when home I'm at the office a good 16 hours a day... looked into the warrior diet but being honest not sure i have the time to follow it...
Actually, the Warrior Diet or Intermittent Fasting saves time and is simple to 1-2 meals per day with a 12-16 hour fast between your last meal of the day and the first meal of the next day.


Take another look and I think you will find your solution.


Great info to get you started....Enjoy!


I definitely agree with Shawn Reed that Mark Sisson's site,, is a superb source of information on nutrition. I also tried the Warrior Diet and found that I had to pay WAY too much attention to it. Mark's Primal Lifestyle (PL) is much easier to adopt and stick with, I think. Actually, I don't have to think about it all any more; it's just natural. I can easily fast 24 hours, and do so weekly. Four hours without eating was pushing it for me when I was carb addicted. I've had the pleasure of helping several coworkers and friends switch to the PL and reap the benefits of good health.

Go Primal and Grok on!

I used to be 250 lbs @ 6' 2" and have made changes over the years to where I am now 190 lbs or less.  Throughout this journey I've experimented with almost every type of eating style and I firmly believe that learning what works with your individual system far outweighs meal timing, etc.  I'd recommend purchasing either Paul Chek's "How to Eat, Move and be Healthy" or "The Metabolic Typing Diet" by William Wolcott.  Metabolic typing will give you a much clearer perspective on what you personally should be eating and in what ratio.

Any struggles with eating can be attributed to something you're consuming that doesn't jive with your system.  Identify and remove foods that cause inflammation, cravings, etc. and you'll start to figure out your optimal times to eat given your schedule.
Id like to add in that Precision Nutrition is amazing as well. Simple and straight forward approach to nutrition. I highly recommend
Best general guide from precision nutrition? "Earn your carbs"

That and following a 16/8 intermittent fasting plan dropped 35 lbs for me.
Hi Don,

In line with much of what you'll find at Mark Sisson's site, I also recommend checking out anything by Robb Wolf and/or Loren Cordain. Despite "paleo" becoming quite popular to the point of almost resembling a fad, there is a lot of substance behind it, and it is adaptable to different needs.

What are every ones options/opinions on fasting?

I generally have a hard time fasting. I get hANGRY. I have gone from 294 down to 195 just eating sensibly and using SF training with my Karate. I may just continue down this path but wanted to know if anyone else had success with a particular plan. Especially anyone who gets the hangry like I do.

I got Geoff Neuperts Abs 365 on Kindle and I can see why that would work but for my lifestyle that would be very hard to fit in.

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