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Old Forum Pavel, how do you train?

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Level 4 Valued Member
Dear Pavel,


I'm sorry if this has been addressed before, and I hope it's ok to ask.


I was just wondering if you could give me some insight into how you personally train? Not specifics, just a general idea. Do you follow a minimalist plan such as S&S yourself, or do you do a lot of experimentation for your books etc? Do you have a certain routine that you use as a baseline or is your training constantly evolving and changing? And how does your current training differ from how you've trained in the past?


While I'm here I'd also like to thank you for all your great work. I've been doing S&S since February now and have progressed to using the 40kg  - it's the best routine I've ever followed.


Thanks for your time, I'm sorry I've asked so many questions!
Alistair, yes, sometimes it is R&D but it is always back to minimalist training.  Right now it is mostly deadlifts and dips.

Great to hear about your progress on S&S!

I'd like to incorporate get ups in a minimalist (PTTP) deadlift and dip program; keeping the movement patterns and for mobility/shouder health. What would be a good way to include them without taking away from the main lifts of deadlift and dips?  

Thank you,

Michael Abril

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