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Old Forum Programing Pistols with S&S

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Level 1 Valued Member
Right now i am doing a lot of sport activities including trail running, rock climbing, volleyball, krav maga, and surfing. As you can imagine with all these activities going on i need a short yet effective strength program.

Before i was doing the RoP and got up to using the 32kg up to a 5x3, but found the program too long and draining. Enter S&S! It has been great so far but i want to also work on pistols, as getting good at these has been a goal of mine.

My question is: How would you program these into an S&S plan? Go heavy, light, high rep, low rep, every day, M/W/F....? Any ideas would be helpful and appreciated.

Thanks Everyone!
What i am thinking of doing is was maybe resting for 3-5 min then adding a 2x5 of pistols at the same weight as get ups. But again any opinions would be great!
I think adding some pistols in after the TGUs is probably a decent way to go. I have just been randomly working on pistols throughout the day... my issue is leg imbalance between left and right, so I try to do more left, but then I like to do my right (especially with a 16kg kettlebell, because given that my unweighted pistols were shaky a few weeks ago, I'm pretty chuffed I can do it on one side now).
Hmmm, GTG... An oddly simple way that i for some reason i did not think of! I love it and thats how im going to work it. I already GTG pullups so this will be a great balance i feel.

Thats why i come to this forum, for some simple yet great advice!
If you're doing S&S as a daily 'base' deal, gtg the pistols (along with the pullups would work great). If you're doing heavy/light days with S&S, a pistol ladder after TGU and swings on the heavy day would work, as long as you can already knock off a few strict pistols.
If the TGUs are really heavy (as that they require a bit of recovery) a great active rest could be to practice a few pistols between every rep?
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