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Old Forum Pull-up grip question for Pavel

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Level 2 Valued Member
I noticed in a couple articles, and the one about your father especially, you recommend parallel grip pull-ups.  Why is this and what are the differences and benefits.  Thanks.
IANP (I Am Not Pavel) but they are recommended as being the easiest on shoulders and elbows.  Both the overhand and underhand grip (pullups and chinups) sometimes cause  problems - if those bother you and you don't need to do them, try the neutral grip.

All three variations work the lats.  The different grips give better or worse mechanical advantage to different muscles - one grip variation may hit your biceps harder because it allows them to work better.  Grip width will also be a factor.  All three definitely hit your lats in a big way.

If you have no particular goals other than getting your chin over the bar, and none of the three bother you,  work all three variations.  You will, I believe, reduce your risk of an overuse injury that way.  If you're especially concerned with shoulder and elbow health, try all three and see what you think but, if you're like most people, you'll prefer the neutral grip.  If your goal is the most weight hanging from a belt around your waist, then pick the variation you're strongest at and do most of your training that way.  If your goal is strengthening your weaknesses, pick your weakest variation and work that the most.  If you have a test, e.g., a PT test that requires an overhand grip, train that variation most of the time but mix in some of the others.

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