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Old Forum Qeustion about combining handstand training with Kettlebell presses.

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Level 3 Valued Member
Hi I have a quick qestion, is it advisable to combine daily handstand practice (wall supported) with a kettlebell pressing program such as Right of Passage or Strong! OR would the muscles be too faigued from all the pressing.

P.s only lookng to GTG with handstands, probably only short practice sessions.

yea, just handstand holds, headstands amd sum cartwheels. Going to fit I'm daily practice whenever possible.  I may add in l-sit holds too.
I was using them as part of my movement prep for a while before pressing ladders. Also was great for active recovery.


One thing to remember for programs like "STRONG!" or ROP or really any program with specific goals at the end is that the accessory work should be an accessory. Not something that interferes with the actual training or derails the results.

In other words, "Keep the goal the goal" - Dan John
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