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Old Forum Questions for the Chief!

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Level 3 Valued Member
I guess I m to the strength game, training properly, knowing the principles and science. Tension, not training to fail, coming close to my second year with Kettlebells, after a year with singles moving into double 24s. I after work round some minor dings so cant always train with the volume I would like. Which likely is the thing that holds me back from maybe training for the level 1 cert. But see what the future holds. :)

Like many of the strongfirst  I find yourself  Girls/guys, Mark , Mark  Steve, Dan, Tommy Geoff I find yourself to be good sources of admiration and a positive role model.

So just curious on number things really.

1) How did you hurt your elbow?

2) What are you PRs for various lifts. Deadlifts, Kettlebell presses, weighted chins, etc. Curious to know.

3) Any regrets in training, things you would do different?

Pavel maybe there should be an ABOUT Pavel page here that could answer these most general questions that come up from time to time.

I think I remember that the elbow injury came from Arm Wresting from an older Hardstyle interview.
Mike, along with my favorite movies and poetry ;]

StrongFirst is not about me.  It is about the school, the system, the brotherhood and sisterhood of strength.
Tell you the truth I don't even know Why I asked the question. I generally couldn't give that much a crap what people lift, I d prefer see someone lift a weight properly, than a heavier weight sloppy.

But Still I guess I was kinda curious, I don't know why, people are gonna be curious and I had the nutz to ask it out loud. It popped in and I asked.

But I respect Ethos and get it!
One more thing really. There was this Russion Lady I met last year.

My name is Aaron. This Russion lady could not pronouce Aaron. She kept calling me Alan.  I spent thirty minutes trying to help her say Aaron. Don't get me wrong the lady could speak more English than I could Russion, so got give the lady respect.

I just don't know.:-(
Aaron, while we don't want to know your favorite movie, either :) if you have questions about your own training, bring them on!  You mentioned not being able to train consistently at the volume you'd like - tell us more about your training and perhaps we can help you to train more consistently.

Steve, Yess Time get back on topic of training.

I have mild tendonitis in the right elbow. Ive been doing special rehab exercises which are helping and the soreness after training is diminishing slowly.

Tendonitis ( golfers elbow) is a funny thing. Tendons don't have a rich blood supply like bones and skin. Therefore tendons sometimes don't heal or heal very very slowly. You can stop training for a year and sometimes tendons don't heal.

Now you may say see a doctor, like I have. The doctors way of dealing with things is the good old cortisol injection. Cortisol injections masks the pain for three months and stops some of the inflammation, but this doesn't exactly fix the Injured tendon. And after a period of time longitudal studies have shown that the person still as tendonitis and when the injections wears off it comes back with vengeance. Masking the problem not actually fixing it.

I don't go over 5 sets of 5 and I need to keep pull work to bare min. One clean before a set of presses. Doin double swings low volume, no more than 5 sets of 5.

Providing I keep frequency to 2- 3 times a week, minimise pull work, I can bare the day after soreness, which be fair is getting milder and milder. But if I ever did have any ambitions to train for the strong first cert, then I would need to have a 100percent elbow theres no way I could handle five days of kettlebell bell work and all them cleans and pulls. Regarding the training I would need to put in to be ready.
I think one of the things that bugs me the most in the martial arts, is the MY Sensei IS!  or I Do ____ Style!  like that makes them as good as thier instructor.  A Great School is in the ability & knowledge of their senior members, and a continuity of building up the new students whom apply themselves dilligently! 

Anyhow, I remember reading something like Pavel had a three times body weight dead lift.  What's most impressive though, is that there are thousands of people around the world that are freakin strong! Because Pavel has been such a great teacher and mentor!

Aaron, for some -me included-controlled and paused heavy negatives have been very beneficial. I also had mild elbow tendonitis due to overuse (excess of pullups), and controlled, super slow negative curls and hammer curls helped me. But be careful, because this trick doesn't work for everybody. There are studies, but so far no definite training protocol. The best frequency of work and set-rep is not known yet. I went on my own by feel. I even tested it with Achilles tendonitis and found out that although pistols bothered my right ankle, I could do slow negatives and get better and even heal.

I tend to think that controlled negatives are better for chronic tendonitis, stubborn cases, where there is tissular degeneration, not in the acute phase. But I´m no expert.

I have struggled with golfers elbow as well over the last two years.  Ive seen multiple docs.  Things have slowly been getting better.  I have found out my elbows are now completely intolerant of any type of pullups.  It is a pretty frustrating thing.
Thanks for the input guys.

Its hard for me to describe the exercise I am doing, there is a school of thought that exercises which involve gripping don't strengthen the injured area and make it worse. Wrist flexion well not actually gripping the weight using the other hand to hold the weight plate in the injured elbow hand/arm. Its slowly getting better.

Im against cortisol injection and against the idea of complete rest. At least behond a few weeks. Plus Im not gonna let my whole body get weak over what I consider a mild ding. Mild ding that never he less as to be taken care of.

Pulls are the exercise that you after watch with golfers elbow, Pullups and Heavy Deadlifts out the question, ballistic pulls need to be kept to a min, if you modify pressing, adapt to the monkey grip if possible helps a lot.
I had golfer's elbow from training and tried the Mueller HG80 elbow brace.

It really helped my elbow problem resolve.  The key seemed to be wearing all of the time for a few weeks.  Not just when I was working out.
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