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Old Forum Roadwork

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Level 7 Valued Member
Just read Pavels blog article on roadwork and wondered if anyone  can share their experiences If they've done it.

although I'm not running at the moment when I do, or did, it is fartlek, mixed depending on how I feel and sometimes a parkour mix, without the flips, a few wall climbs, vaulting, that sort of thing. I realise now after asking questions here about sprints and tabatas that that more prolonged efforts works the lactic system and so to maintain or work the a lactic system at max power it is better to keep the effort very short. Roadwork recommends pistols, one arm push ups to mimic the protocol in S&S so could any short power exercise fit the bill? ie, explosive press up (clapping), explosive pulls (no kips), 30/40m sprint and for parkour, wall climb/muscle up, speed vault, jumping at 1 or 2 at max velocity not high rep interval style. is that a reasonable assumption? Or is it better to keep to progressive pistols and 1 arm push ups if those movements  are too tough?

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