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Old Forum S&S and a Recreational Sport

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Level 2 Valued Member
Is anyone out there doing S&S and playing a recreational sport? I am doing S&S and doing it about 5-6 days a week.  I am starting to play pickup basketball on Thursday nights and wondering if doing my  S&S in the mornings of the game would be too much?  I am planning making my off day Friday the day after.

I do bjj several times a week alongside. Should be fine, just monitor your recovery and evaluate as you go along. Maybe progress a bit slower with S&S.
I do S&S 3-4 times a week with BJJ and i am making great progress.

If i have a day of hard rolling in my main club i do just that. If i am drilling and working on skills then i will also do S&S that day. And if i am have doing no BJJ that day i do S&S with added pullups at the end.

So far so good. Hit simple goal on the 32kg kettlebell swings and fully transitioned to the 32kg Getups but current time is 20~min so i have a bit to go before i hit simple goals on the getup's.

I do S&S 5 days a week and martial arts the other two. You should be fine, even doing it the same day, as long as you have several hours between.

For me i think it does not affect my BJJ at all. In the past i have tried to do starting strength and BJJ, my bjj suffered. I have tried to do ROP and BJJ my BJJ suffered. 531 same,  I think with all the other programs was i always tried to do too much. All the programs are usually a weeks worth of work by themselves never mind  the BJJ as well.

So I just do S&S as above and since it only 2 exercises, i don't feel like i am missing anything if i skip a day of S&S to grab an extra day of hard sparing or even just do a set of shadow swings and a lighter set of slow TUGs.

Golf is my recreational sport, and I find that I perform best if I'm not fresh off of S&S, especially as the weights have gotten heavier. So before an important round or a tourney, I'll usually take a day off, or just do some light get-up practice work.  Then, if I feel up to it, I'll do the regular routine later in the day of the round. If not, then two days off in a row isn't a disaster, and I come back feeling rested and strong on the following day. Same goes for the odd occasions when I run a trail race.

The way I see it, since this is GPP, its benefits could be negated if I do it too close to something as unpredictable as a competitive sporting event. It's all well and good to say I "feel stronger" after S&S, and I often do, but would I feel that way after carrying a golf bag on a hilly course for 17 holes, or in the last few minutes of a basketball game?  Probably not, at least in my case. So a rest day is in order. That's just me, though. And my golf swing is benefiting tremendously from the program, so I don't plan on messing with a good thing.

Actually, I guess I do plan on messing with a good thing. Just realized that I'm playing tomorrow, and I did S&S this afternoon. Oh, well.
Sorry don't mean to hijack the thread.


chris, I was thinking more in a positive way. I'm  no pushover on the mat, and I just started S&S.


i can only imagine how much more smashing  I'd be doing if I could swing and tgu the 32!
David, I'm not Chris, but I also do BJJ (formerly judo as well, and thinking about going back to a bit of shuai jiao again). Swings and getups have helped my bjj a lot, and they are my go-to approach for the bjj guys I've worked with.

Sorry I misunderstood the question.

I think because it has been gradual increase in strength, i have not felt much of a difference in my rolling but my team mates have :)

I hadn't rolled with a couple of them in a few months, then they commented on my increase in pressure and they felt i didn't get tired. One people asked me if I had gone up a weight division were i have actually gone down to U76kg.
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