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Old Forum SF complexes

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Level 1 Valued Member
Are there more complexes on this site besides the total tension and moving target complexes? I am looking to get more familiar with using kettlebells. I would like to attend a KB course this year and try to obtain a certification next year.
Hey Alfredo.  If you're looking to get more familiar with kettlebells, I'd start with the basics of swinging, pressing, squatting, etc, before stringing them together into complexes.  Complexes are extremely taxing.  Unless you're already relatively competent and strong in the movements themselves, your quality of movement in a complex is likely to be poor and the results won't be great.
James, I have been using kettlebells on and off over the last two and a half years. I am sure I could always use technique help and that is why I would like to attend a KB course first before pursuing the certification. I just ordered simple and sinister and I am just looking for ideas and programs that I can follow to get stronger.
Alfredo, please look into the materials authored by Geoff Neupert, SFG-II and former Master SFG.  You will like them and they are all proven, effective programs and many include detailed instructions on how to perform a variety of lifts.

Before considering complexes, make sure your technique is decent with the basic moves..


Is there an SFG nearby in your area?
banzaienger, S&S is a great beginning, a great complement to many physical activities, and a great stand-alone program for many.  But it's not the only thing out there, and it's not even the only way to get started - it's the one I recommend, all other things being equal, but that doesn't mean there aren't other good choices.

Alfredo says he want's to become an SFG, and he'll have to learn to do more than just swing and getup - nothing wrong with that.

Just trying to play Devil's Advocate here.

My apologies, Alfredo.  You mentioned that you are looking to get more familiar with using kettlebells, so I took that for rote.

Geoff Neupert has a few e-books of complexes.  I have one and it's excellent.  Had it printed and bound at Kinkos for $10.

One I've been working in is 5 rounds of 5-10 swings, 5 squats, 3-5 presses.  The swings and press variables depend on where it is in the workout that day and what my focus is.  Err on the light side.  I'm finally using double 24's after being a 20kg guy for about a year.
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