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Old Forum SFG Course

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Brad Banks

Level 1 Valued Member
I had the opportunity to attend the SFG KB course in Michigan this past Saturday, and I'd like to express my appreciation to Senior Instructor Delaine Ross and StrongFirst.  The class was everything I"d hoped it would be.

My wife would say I'm somewhat obsessed with kettlebells, but like many others who have posted here, all of my experience has come from books and DVD's.  I have a pretty good library of those going.  But, I'd never had any personal instruction on form and technique.  There are no SFG's in my area, and I didn't want to take a class at the 'Y' from an instructor who probably knew less than I did.  When this class was announced, I jumped at it.

Everything is in the details, and the instuctor's ability to convey those details-- all the tips on form, and cueing, and tension, and all the rest, will continue to be invaluable to me.  I wasn't awful at anything; I learned how to be better at everything.

I had a long drive home at the end of the day, and my 52 year old body was tired; but it was very worth it, and I am grateful.

Thank you.

Yes learning from an SFG instructor is so great. I have had the opportunity and it tuned up my technique so that I could move forward even better. Glad you go to check it out!
Last summer I had a 6-week stretch at Harvard University.

Around week 4 I drove down to Silver Spring, Maryland to take a 1-day class with Joe Sansalone (SFG teamleader and an amazing guy). I slept in the car before the event and had an experience pretty close to yours: all the little things fell into place. The 8 hours FLEW away and I came out both smarter and stronger and have had fuel for training for a full year afterwards.

Safe to say that I had more valuable learning in those 8 hours than I did in the full 6 weeks at Harvard.

This Thursday I'm flying from Scandinavia to Boston to immerse myself in 3 days of wisdom from Pavel and Andy Bolton and I just can't barely wait!



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