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Old Forum Shoulderflexibility

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Level 3 Valued Member
Hey comrades!

a week ago i watched a video where one was shown how to measure your shoulder flexibility. While i can't find it right now i was wondering how you would achive a perfect rom?

Would doing tgu's be enough?

thanks for your help!
As long as nothing hurts, get yourself screened by someone certified to administer the Functional Movement Screen.

I think combining TGUs with armbars provide you with strong, healthy, flexible shoulders - other than some joint mobility I don't believe anything else is necessary beyond those two movements.
Double kettlebell work and barbell overhead work both require more flexibility in the shoulders and t-spine than everyone will take away from getups and armbars.  I agree that getups and armbars are both excellent exercises and both represent a great place to start, but the OP asked about a "perfect" range of motion.  I once, at a trainer friend's suggestion, worked up to a 1/2 bw overhead squat with my grip touching the non-knurled section of the bar.  A barbell jerk is going to be close to that as well.

"perfect" depends on the individual. For the vast majority of people I see, the get up, if properly taught and practiced, is sufficient. Few people truly need pullups, although they can be beneficial for many, and should be avoided by some.

An overhead squat is nice, but I don't treat it as a requirement for double bell or overhead work. I can't come close to an overhead squat, but I press double 32s for reps, snatch double 24s for reps, and do barbell presses as well, and have been doing so for years with no shoulder issues whatsoever. For barbell snatches (full, not power), an overhead squat is probably necessary, but otherwise, ime, it's not necessary. Further, I've seen lots of people with great overhead squats but messed up backs and shoulders.

As a grappler, the get up and windmill are more than sufficient for me.
Jason, "perfect" is never "necessary" - two different things, IMHO.

Steve, with all due respect, if one works the top of the TGU properly the entire shoulder girdle will gain spectacular strength and flexibility and if one properly performs an armbar the shoulder is stretched far beyond the range of motion in any overhead barbell press/squat/snatch.
I find a barbell overhead squat much more challenging to my shoulder and t-spine mobility than even a heavy getup.  Two-handed overhead work provides a different kind of challenge than a single kettlebell, and while in some ways stabilizing two kettlebells is harder than using a barbell, in other ways, it's easier.

To each his own.

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