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Level 1 Valued Member
Certified Instructor
On July 4th, after goofing around with S&S for a couple months, I decided to actually do the program as written (the right exercise order, the warm-up, the get-up progression.....). I set the period for finishing as Labor Day. Well, today, I completed the simple requirements in the allotted time and in the correct order.


I started on the 4th of July barely able to complete the get-ups in 15 minutes with the 24kg. I was doing the swings with the 32 in about 12 minutes.  Today - swings 5L,5R x 10 in 4:54 and getups 5L,5R in 9:29. And just that very short minute in between.

I did the program every day I could - travelling on business, vacation - just keeping it a practice and not a "workout."

I'm 50 this year and have never been stronger in my life. My girlfriend did these practices with me and experienced similar success. Her discipline and progress was extremely inspirational. Thanks to the SF community for "Do This" instruction.

I feel bad pointing this out, since you have made great progress and ought to be proud.

HOWEVER, the swings in the program should be in sets of 10 with a single arm, alternating left and right each set.

The biggest difference would be that grip is a little more of an issue in sets of 10, especially if you are putting full power into each rep (when you don't feel secure in your grip you tend to be inhibited from expressing full power).

But if you can do it with sets of 5/5, you might very well be able to do sets of 10 already.

In any case, congrats on your progress.

Thanks SteveW. I did it right. I got the nomenclature wrong. I did all the sets of 10 with the same arm/hand alternating left and right. Thanks for your congratulations.


Are you from Pittsburgh? If so, we may have trained together a few years ago. Any way, welcome to the SF Forum and glad to hear you are still training with the bells!




Thanks Shawn for the welcome. We did train together a few (10) years ago. I am still in Pittsburgh. Been a long road from then to here which was one of the reasons I posted this. This is for real the first time I followed a program as written. I feel very blessed to have actually stuck with this for a period and gotten to the simple standard. It's not like I ever stopped training with the bells. I just didn't follow a prescribed path to a prescribed goal. Now that I finally have - I thought I would post about it to let people know that no matter how many times one starts a program and doesn't finish or modifies a program and then just gives up - (as I have done both so many times over the past ten years) - success is just around the corner if one follows the directions. "Doing This" does actually work.

Just a shout out to both you and Brett Jones - you are both great trainers and consummate professionals.


All the Best


Great job, Mark!

Please do me a favor and review S&S on Amazon:
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