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Old Forum Starting from sqaure 1

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Level 1 Valued Member
Hey everyone I'm posting this because I'm looking to start over from square 1. For the last year and a half I have basically slaked off due to other focuses of life I've had to deal with and today was a big wake up call. I tried to use the pull up bar in our house and I could barely perform 5 pull ups and I'm putting high emphasis on the barely part.

I realize I've lost strength, stamina and endurance so I want to get back to working out and need a place to start.

Where and how should I begin? Thanks
Short answer: Simple and Sinister

Longer answer: It depends

And 5 pullups is not too terrible.  But I suppose it depends on what you are comparing it to.  So that leads me to a bunch of questions.

What are your specific goals?

Is there a level of strength/stamina/endurance you want to return to?

Are there programs in the past you've done and enjoyed success on?

Being honest with yourself, what caused the slacking off? (no judgements here, but it can help determine what you should focus on)
I agree, and think many on this forum will also recommend Simple & Sinister to get back into it.

It's simple, doesn't take much time, and builds a good foundation for other strength pursuits if you have them. But at the same time, it's also a good long-term program in and of itself.
S&S, get the movements right first before really starting as Pavel recommends. Follow the movement learning progression in his book. Best program I have ever done
S&S, get the movements right first before really starting as Pavel recommends. Follow the movement learning progression in his book.
Well I was originally doing 10 pull ups and was on a goal to do 20. The real reason is because of family problems at home and also trying to find a job since I graduated college two years ago which has been a real struggle to say the least. So Simple & Sinister than?

Dan john says it well
I am going to be the one to throw Original Strength into the mix.

10 min of leopard crawling is intense, 30-50 min of baby crawling is like going for a long walk.

Throwing on the iPod and crawling for an hour after a frustrating day has been God send.

If you truly want to start from square one why not go through the functional movement screen from athletic body in balance and correct any imbalances first. Then go to a strength program luke simple and sinister, original strength or whatever you decide on.

Let's go a step further - start with a thorough physical exam, then a movement screen, and see where you're at.

Ok so what I'm being recommended to get is:

Athletic Body in Balance

Simple & Sinister

Original Strength

Anything else you'd recommend?
Hi Nick, a year and a half is long enough to become completely de-trained but I agree with Steve F - get a physical to make sure that's the reason your strength and stamina have dropped and a movement screen is a sound idea for anyone starting, or starting again. I'd have to recommend S&S from personal experience alone. I'd been practicing kettlebells for 18 months but didn't "feel right" so I swallowed my pride, stopped everything and started S&S around 4 months ago. The program produces astounding results. Just relax and let the program do it's work. I promise you won't regret it.
Nick, one of the things you need to do is figure out what you need others to do for you.  I wouldn't read Athletic Body in Balance, rather I'd get a movement screen and let that person suggest correctives if any are needed.  See a doctor, get a movement screen, do S&S - easy as 1, 2, 3.  Or perhaps I should say simple but not easy. :)

Best of luck to you.

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